C-KERMIT (Part 4 of 10)

gregg at okstate.UUCP gregg at okstate.UUCP
Fri Mar 8 17:45:00 AEST 1985

echo x - ckermi.doc part 2
sed '1,$s/^X//' <<\!FUNKY!STUFF! >> ckermi.doc
Xescape-character cc
X    For use during 'connect' to get C-Kermit's attention.  The escape character
X    acts as a prefix to an 'escape command', for instance to close the  connec-
X    tion  and  return  to  C-Kermit  or  Unix command level.  The normal escape
X    character is Control-Backslash (28).  The escape character is also used  in
X    System  III/V  implementations,  to  prefix  interrupt commands during file
X    transfers.
Xfile {display, names, type, warning}
X    Establish various file-related parameters:
X    display {on, off}
X        Normally 'on'; when in local mode, display progress of  file  transfers
X        on  the  screen (stdout), and listen to the keyboard (stdin) for inter-
X        ruptions.  If off (-q on command line) none of this is  done,  and  the
X        file transfer may proceed in the background oblivious to any other work
X        concurrently done at the console terminal.
X    names {converted, literal}
X        Normally  converted,  which  mean  that  outbound  filenames  have path
X        specifications stripped, lowercase letters raised to upper, tildes  and
X        extra  periods  changed  to X's, and an X inserted in front of any name
X        that starts  with  period.    Incoming  files  have  uppercase  letters
X        lowered.  Literal means that none of these conversions are done; there-
X        fore, any directory path appearing in  a  received  file  specification
X        must exist and be write-accessible.  When literal naming is being used,
X        the sender should not use path names in the file  specification  unless
X        the same path exists on the target system and is writable.
X    type {binary, text}
X        Normally text, which means that conversion is done between Unix newline
X        characters  and  the carriage-return/linefeed sequences required by the
X        canonical Kermit file transmission format, and in common  use  on  non-
X        Unix  systems.   Binary means to transmit file contents without conver-
X        sion.  Binary ('-i' in command line notation) is necessary  for  binary
X        files,  and  desirable  in all Unix-to-Unix transactions to cut down on
X        overhead.
X    warning {on, off}
X        Normally  off,  which means that incoming files will silently overwrite
X        existing files of the same name.  When on ('-w' on command line) Kermit
X        will check if an arriving file would overwrite an existing file; if so,
X        it will construct a new name for the arriving file, of the form  foo~n,
X        where foo is the name they share and n is a "generation number"; if foo
X        exists, then the new file will be called foo~1.  If foo and  foo~1  ex-
X        ist, the new file will be foo~2, and so on.
Xflow-control {none, xon/xoff}
X    Normally xon/xoff for full duplex flow control.  Should be set to 'none' if
X    the other system cannot do xon/xoff flow control.
Xhandshake {xon, xoff, cr, lf, bell, esc, none}
X    Normally none.  Otherwise, half-duplex communication line turnaround  hand-
X    shaking  is  done, which means Unix Kermit will not reply to a packet until
X    it has received the indicated handshake character or has timed out  waiting
X    for it.
Xline [device-name]
X    The device name for the communication line to be used for file transfer and
X    terminal connection, e.g. /dev/ttyi3.  If you specify a device name, Kermit
X    will be in local mode, and you should remember to issue any other necessary
X    'set'  commands,  such as 'set speed'.  If you omit the device name, Kermit
X    will revert to its default mode of operation.
Xmodem-dialer {direct, hayes, ventel}
X    The type of modem dialer on the communication line.  "Direct" indicates ei-
X    ther there is no dialout modem, or that if the line requires carrier detec-
X    tion  to  open,  then  'set  line'  will hang waiting for an incoming call.
X    "Hayes" and "Ventel" indicate that the subsequent 'set  line'  (or  the  -l
X    argument) will prepare for a subsequent 'dial' command for Hayes and Ventel
X    dialers, respectively.
Xpacket-length n
X    Specify  the  maximum  packet  length to use.  Normally 90.  Shorter packet
X    lengths can be useful on noisy lines, or with systems or front ends or net-
X    works  that  have  small  buffers.   The shorter the packet, the higher the
X    overhead, but the lower the chance of a packet being  corrupted  by  noise,
X    and the less time to retransmit corrupted packets.
Xpad-character cc
X    C-Kermit normally does not need to have incoming packets preceded with  pad
X    characters.    This  command allows C-Kermit to request the other Kermit to
X    use cc as a pad character.  Default cc is NUL, ASCII 0.
Xpadding n
X    How many pad characters to ask for, normally 0.
Xparity {even, odd, mark, space, none}
X    Specify character parity for use in packets and terminal  connection,  nor-
X    mally  none.    If  other  than none, C-Kermit will seek to use the 8th-bit
X    prefixing mechanism for transferring 8-bit binary data, which can  be  used
X    successfully  only  if  the  other Kermit agrees; if not, 8-bit binary data
X    cannot be successfully transferred.
Xprompt [string]
X    The  given  string  will  be  substituted for "C-Kermit>" as this program's
X    prompt.  If the string is omitted, the prompt will revert to "C-Kermit>".
Xspeed {0, 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600}
X    The  baud rate for the external communication line.  This command cannot be
X    used to change the speed of your own console terminal.  Many  Unix  systems
X    are set up in such a way that you must give this command after a 'set line'
X    command before you can use the line.
Xstart-of-packet cc
X    The Kermit packet prefix is Control-A (1).  The only reasons it should ever
X    be changed would be: Some piece of equipment somewhere between the two Ker-
X    mit  programs will not pass through a Control-A; or, some piece of of equi-
X    pment similarly placed is echoing its input.    In  the  latter  case,  the
X    recipient of such an echo can change the packet prefix for outbound packets
X    to be different from that of arriving packets, so that the  echoed  packets
X    will  be  ignored.    The  opposite  Kermit must also be told to change the
X    prefix for its inbound packets.  Unix  Kermit  presently  can  be  told  to
X    change only its outbound packet prefix.
Xtimeout n
X    Normally, each Kermit partner sets its packet  timeout  interval  based  on
X    what the opposite Kermit requests.  This command allows you to override the
X    normal procedure and specify a timeout interval.  If you specify 0, then no
X    timeouts will occur, and Unix Kermit will wait forever for expected packets
X    to arrive.
X                              THE 'SHOW' COMMAND:
XSyntax: show {parameters, versions}
XThe show command displays the values of  all  the  'set'  parameters  described
Xabove.    If  you  type 'show versions', then C-Kermit will display the version
Xnumbers and dates of all its internal  modules.    You  should  use  the  'show
Xversions'  command  to  ascertain  the  vintage  of  your Kermit program before
Xreporting problems to Kermit maintainers.
X                           THE 'STATISTICS' COMMAND:
XThe statistics command  displays  information  about  the  most  recent  Kermit
Xprotocol  transaction,  including  file  and communication line i/o, as well as
Xwhat encoding options were in effect (such as 8th-bit  prefixing,  repeat-count
X                        THE 'TAKE' AND 'ECHO' COMMANDS:
XSyntax: take fn1
XThe  'take' command instructs C-Kermit to execute commands from the named file.
XThe file may contain any interactive C-Kermit commands, including 'take';  com-
Xmand  files  may  be nested to any reasonable depth.  The 'echo' command may be
Xused within command files to issue greetings, announce progress, etc.
XCommand files are in exactly the same syntax as  interactive  commands.    Note
Xthat  this implies that if you want to include special characters like question
Xmark or backslash that you would have to quote with backslash when  typing  in-
Xteractive  commands,  you  must  quote these characters the same way in command
XCommand files may be used in lieu of command macros, which have not been imple-
Xmented in this version of C-Kermit.  For instance, if you commonly connect to a
Xsystem called 'B' that is connected to ttyh7 at 4800 baud, you could  create  a
Xfile called b containing the commands
X    set line /dev/ttyh7
X    set speed 4800
X    echo Connecting to System B...
X    connect
Xand  then simply type 'take b' (or 't b' since no other commands begin with the
Xletter 't') whenever you wished to connect to system B.
XFor connecting to IBM mainframes, a number  of  'set'  commands  are  required;
Xthese, too, are conveniently collected into a 'take' file like this one:
X    set speed 1200
X    set parity mark
X    set handshake xon
X    set flow-control none
X    set duplex half
XAn  implicit  'take' command is executed upon your .kermrc file upon C-Kermit's
Xinitial entry into interactive dialog.  The .kermrc file should  contain  'set'
Xor  other  commands  you  want to be in effect at all times.  For instance, you
Xmight want override the default action when incoming files have the same  names
Xas existing files -- in that case, put the command 
X    set file warning on
Xin your .kermrc file.
XCommands  executed from take files are not echoed at the terminal.  If you want
Xto see the commands as well as their output, you could feed the command file to
XC-Kermit via redirected stdin, as in 
X    'kermit < cmdfile'
XErrors  encountered during execution of take files (such as failure to complete
Xdial or script operations) cause termination of the current take file,  popping
Xto  the take file that invoked it, or to interactive level.  When kermit is ex-
Xecuted in the background, errors during execution of a take file are fatal.
X                            THE 'CONNECT' COMMAND:
XThe connect command links your terminal to another computer as if it were a lo-
Xcal  terminal to that computer, through the device specified in the most recent
X'set line' command, or through the default device if your system  is  a  PC  or
Xworkstation.    All  characters you type at your keyboard are sent out the com-
Xmunication line, all characters arriving at the  communication  port  are  dis-
Xplayed  on  your  screen.  Current settings of speed, parity, duplex, and flow-
Xcontrol are honored.  If you have issued a 'log  session'  command,  everything
Xyou  see  on  your  screen  will  also  be  recorded to your session log.  This
Xprovides a way to "capture" files from systems that don't have Kermit  programs
XTo  get  back  to your own system, you must type the escape character, which is
XControl-Backslash (^\) unless you have changed it with the  'set  escape'  com-
Xmand,   followed  by  a  single-character  command,  such  as  'c'  for  "close
Xconnection".  Single-character commands include:
X  c     Close the connection
X  b     Send a BREAK signal
X  0     (zero) send a null
X  s     Give a status report about the connection
X  ^\    Send Control-Backslash itself (whatever you  have  defined  the  escape
X        character to be, typed twice in a row sends one copy of it).
XLowercase and control equivalents for these letters are also accepted.  A space
Xtyped after the escape character is ignored.  Any other character will  produce
Xa beep.
XThe  connect  command simply displays incoming characters on the screen.  It is
Xassumed any screen control sequences sent by the host will be  handled  by  the
Xfirmware  in  your  terminal or PC.  If terminal emulation is desired, then the
Xconnect command can invoked from the  Unix  command  line  (-c  or  -n),  piped
Xthrough a terminal emulation filter, e.g.  
X    kermit -l /dev/acu -b 1200 -c | tek
X'c' is an acceptable non-unique abbreviation for 'connect'.
X                              THE 'DIAL' COMMAND:
XSyntax: dial telephone-number-string
XThis  command controls dialout modems.  The telephone-number-string may contain
Xmodem-dialer commands, such as comma for Hayes pause, or '&' for  Ventel  dial-
Xtone wait and '%' for Ventel pause.
XBecause  modem  dialers have strict requirements to override the carrier-detect
Xsignal most Unix implementations expect, the sequence for dialing is more rigid
Xthan with the rest of kermit's features.
XExample one:
X    kermit -l /dev/cul0 -b 1200
X    C-Kermit>set modem-dialer hayes    hint: abbreviate set m h
X    C-Kermit>dial 9,5551212
X    Connected!
X    C-Kermit>connect                    hint: abbreviate c
X    logon, request remote server, etc.
X    C-Kermit> ...
X    C-Kermit>quit                       hint: abbreviate q
Xthis disconnects modem, and unlocks line.
XExample two:
X    kermit
X    C-Kermit>set modem-dialer ventel
X    C-Kermit>set line /dev/cul0
X    C-Kermit>dial 9&5551212%
X    Connected!
X    C-Kermit> ...
XExample three:
X    kermit
X    C-Kermit>take my-dial-procedure
X    Connected!
X    file my-dial-procedure:
X    set modem hayes
X    set line /dev/tty99
X    dial 5551212
X    connect
XFor  Hayes  dialers, two important switch settings are #1 and #6.  #1 should be
Xup so that the DTR is only asserted when the line is 'open'.  #6 should  be  up
Xso carrier-detect functions properly.  Switches #2 (English versus digit result
Xcodes) and #4 (Hayes echoes modem commands) may be in either position.
X                             THE 'SCRIPT' COMMAND:
XSyntax: script expect send [expect send] . . .
X"expect" has the syntax: expect[-send-expect[-send-expect[...]]]
XThis command facilitates logging into a remote system and/or invoking  programs
Xor other facilities after login on a remote system.
XThis  login  script facility operates in a manner similar to that commonly used
Xby the Unix uucp System's "L.sys" file entries.  A login script is  a  sequence
Xof the form:  
X    expect send [expect send] . . .
Xwhere  expect  is a prompt or message to be issued by the remote site, and send
Xis the string (names, numbers, etc) to return.    The  send  may  also  be  the
Xkeyword  EOT,  to send Control-D, or BREAK, to send a break signal.  Letters in
Xsend may be prefixed by '~' to send special characters.  These are:
X    ~b  backspace
X    ~s  space
X    ~q  '?'(trapped by Kermit's command interpreter)
X    ~n  linefeed
X    ~r  carriage return
X    ~t  tab
X    ~'  single quote
X    ~~  tilde
X    ~"  double quote
X    ~c  don't append a carriage return
X    ~o[o[o]]
X        an octal character
XAs  with  some uucp systems, sent strings are followed by ~r unless they have a
XOnly the last 7 characters in each expect are matched.  A null expect, e.g.  ~0
Xor two adjacent dashes, causes a short delay before proceeding to the next send
Xsequence.  A null expect always succeeds.
XAs with uucp, if the expect string does not arrive, the script  attempt  fails.
XIf  you  expect that a sequence might not arrive, as with uucp, conditional se-
Xquences may be expressed in the form:  
X    -send-expect[-send-expect[...]]
Xwhere dashed sequences are followed as long as previous expects fail.
XExpect/send transactions can be easily be  debugged  by  logging  transactions.
XThis records all exchanges, both expected and actual.
XNote that '\' characters in login scripts, as in any other C-Kermit interactive
Xcommands, must be doubled up.
XExample one:
XUsing a modem, dial a unix host site.   Expect  "login"  (...gin),  and  if  it
Xdoesn't come, simply send a null string with a ~r.  (Some Unixes require either
Xan EOT or a BREAK instead of the null sequence,  depending  on  the  particular
Xsite's "logger" program.)  After providing user id and password, respond "x" to
Xa question-mark prompt, expect the Bourne shell "$" prompt (and send return  if
Xit  doesn't  arrive).   Then cd to directory kermit, and run the program called
X"wermit", entering the interactive connect state after wermit is loaded.
X    set modem-dialer ventel
X    set line /dev/tty77
X    set baud 1200
X    dial 9&5551212
X    script gin:--gin:--gin: smith ssword: mysecret ~q x $--$
X            cd~skermit $ wermit
X    connect
XExample two:
XUsing a modem, dial the Telenet network.  This network  expects  three  returns
Xwith  slight  delays between them.  These are sent following null expects.  The
Xsingle return is here sent as a null string, with a return appended by default.
XFour  returns  are  sent  to  be  safe before looking for the prompt.  Then the
Xtelenet id and password are entered.  Then telenet is instructed to connect  to
Xa  host  site  (c 12345).  The host has a data switch, and to "which system" it
Xresponds "myhost".  This is followed by a TOPS-20 logon, and a request to  load
XKermit,  set even parity, and enter the server mode.  Files are then exchanged.
XThe commands are in a take file.  The login command is split onto two lines for
Xreadability, though it is a single long line in the take file.
X    set modem-dialer hayes
X    set line /dev/cul0
X    set baud 1200
X    dial 9,5551212
X    set parity even
X    script ~0 ~0 ~0 ~0 ~0 ~0 ~0 ~0 @-- at --@ id~saa001122 = 002211 @
X        c~s12345 ystem-c~s12345-ystem myhost @ joe~ssecret @ kermit
X        > set~sparity~seven > server
X    send some.stuff
X    get some.otherstuff
X    bye
X    quit
XSince  these  commands may be executed totally in the background, they can also
Xbe scheduled.  A typical shell script, which might be scheduled by cron,  would
Xbe as follows (csh used for this example):
X    #
X    #keep trying to dial and log onto remote host and exchange files
X    #wait 10 minutes before retrying if dial or script fail.
X    #
X    while ( 1 )
X            kermit < tonight.cmd &
X            if ( ! $status ) break
X            sleep 600
X    end
XFile  tonight.cmd  might  have two takes in it, for example, one to take a file
Xwith the set modem, set line, set baud, dial, and script, and a second take  of
Xa  file  with  send/get  commands  for  the  remote  server.  The last lines of
Xtonight.cmd should be a bye and a quit.
X                              THE 'HELP' COMMAND:
XSyntax: help
X   or: help keyword
X   or: help {set, remote} keyword
XBrief help messages or menus are always available at interactive command  level
Xby  typing  a question mark at any point.  A slightly more verbose form of help
Xis available through the 'help' command.  The 'help' command with no  arguments
Xprints  a  brief  summary of how to enter commands and how to get further help.
X'help' may be followed by one of the top-level C-Kermit command keywords,  such
Xas  'send', to request information about a command.  Commands such as 'set' and
X'remote' have a further level of help.  Thus you may type 'help',  'help  set',
Xor  'help  set parity'; each will provide a successively more detailed level of
X                        THE 'EXIT' AND 'QUIT' COMMANDS:
XThese two commands are identical.  Both of them do the following:
X   - Attempt to insure that the terminal is returned to normal.
X   - Relinquish access to any communication line assigned via 'set line'.
X   - Close any open log files.
X   - Relinquish any uucp and multiuser locks on the communications line.
X   - Hang up the modem, if the communications line supports data  terminal
X     ready.
XAfter  exit  from C-Kermit, your default directory will be the same as when you
Xstarted the program.  The 'exit' command is issued implicitly whenever C-Kermit
Xhalts normally, e.g. after a command line invocation, or after certain kinds of
X1.4. C-Kermit under Berkeley or System III/V Unix:
XC-Kermit may be interrupted at command level or during file transfer by  typing
XControl-C.    The  program will perform its normal exit function, restoring the
Xterminal.  If a protocol transaction was in progress, an error packet  will  be
Xsent to the opposite Kermit so that it can terminate cleanly.
XC-Kermit  may  be invoked in the background ("&" on shell commmand line).  If a
Xbackground process is "killed", the user will have to manually remove any  lock
Xfile  and  may  need  to  restore  the  modem.  This is because the kill signal
X(kill(x,9)) cannot be trapped by Kermit.
XDuring execution of a system command, C-Kermit can often be returned to command
Xlevel  by  typing  a single Control-C.  (With System III/V, the usual interrupt
Xfunction (often  the  DEL  key)  is  replaced  by  Control-C.)    On  detecting
XControl-C,  C-Kermit  takes  its normal exit, removing lock files and restoring
Xthe communication line, modem, and/or console terminal.
XUnder Berkeley Unix only:
X    C-Kermit  may  also  be  interrupted  by ^Z to put the process in the back-
X    ground.  In this case the terminal is not restored.  You will have to  type
X    Control-J  followed  by  "reset"  followed by another Control-J to get your
X    terminal back to normal.  C-Kermit can be halted in  a  similar  manner  by
X    typing Control-
X    Backslash, except that instead of moving it to the background, a core  dump
X    is produced.
XUnder System III/V Unix:
X    The Control-\ character (or whatever control character  has  been  selected
X    via  "set  escape") at the C-Kermit command level is ignored; it is trapped
X    and will not core-dump or interrupt Kermit.
XControl-C, Control-Z, and Control-\ lose their normal functions during terminal
Xconnection and also during file transfer when the controlling tty line is being
Xused for packet i/o.
XThe BSD implementation of C-Kermit has code to take advantage of a special non-
Xstandard  kernel-mode  line  driver,  which boosts the speed of packet i/o sig-
Xnificantly.  The problem is that "raw" mode, needed for packet  i/o,  also  im-
Xplies  "cbreak" (character wakeup) mode, which is very expensive.  The new line
Xdriver is a modification of the "berknet" driver, which allowed raw mode i/o to
Xtake  place  with  process wakeup only upon receipt of a linefeed.  The Berknet
Xdriver, unfortunately, strips off the high order bit of each character and does
Xnot  allow  the line terminator to be specified.  The modification allows all 8
Xbits to pass through unmolested, allows the wakeup character to  be  specified,
Xand allows the buffer to be tested or cleared.
XThe  System  III/V implementation uses regular kernel drivers, but "gulps" raw-
Xmode input in large blocks, thus overcomming the usual system call overheads.
XIf you are running C-Kermit in "quiet mode" in the foreground, then  interrupt-
Xing  the  program  with a console interrupt like Control-C will not restore the
Xterminal to normal conversational operation.  This is because the  system  call
Xto  enable console interrupt traps will cause the program to block if it's run-
Xning in the background, and the primary reason for quiet mode is to  allow  the
Xprogram  to  run  in  the background without blocking, so that you can do other
Xwork in the foreground.
XIf C-Kermit is run in the background ("&" on shell commmand line), then the in-
Xterrupt  signal  (Control-C)  (and System III/V quit signal) are ignored.  This
Xprevents an interrupt signal intended for a foreground job (say a  compilation)
Xfrom being trapped by a background Kermit session.
X1.5. C-Kermit on the DEC Pro-3xx with Venix 1.0
XThe  DEC Professional 300 series are PDP-11/23 based personal computers.  Venix
X1.0 is a Unix v7 derivative.  It should not be confused with Venix  2.0,  which
Xresembles ATT System V. C-Kermit runs in local mode on the Pro-3xx when invoked
Xfrom the console; the default device is /dev/com1.  When connected to a  remote
Xsystem  (using  C-Kermit's  'connect'  command),  Pro/Venix itself (not Kermit)
Xprovides VT52 terminal emulation.
XDuring  file  transfer,  the  interruption  and  status  commands   (Control-A,
XControl-F, etc) are not available.
X1.6. C-Kermit Restrictions and Known Bugs
X   1. File  renaming:    When  filename collision avoidance ("warning") is
X      selected, C-Kermit constructs unique names by appending a generation
X      number  to the end of the file name.  Currently, no checking is done
X      to ensure that the result is still within the maximum length  for  a
X      file name.
X   2. UUCP  line  locking:  C-Kermit locks lines, to prevent UUCP and mul-
X      tiuser conflicts, when it first opens a communications line.    This
X      occurs  either when 'set line' is issued, or if the '-l' argument is
X      used, when the first 'dial', 'connect', or  protocol  operation  oc-
X      curs.    The lock is released if another 'set line' is issued, or if
X      the program quits, exits, or is terminated by Control-C.  If a  user
X      connects  and returns to the shell command level, for example to in-
X      itiate kermit by piped commands, on a communications line, the  line
X      lock  is  released  when  returning  to  the  shell.  Locking is not
X      needed, or used, if communications occur  over  the  local  terminal
X      line  (e.g.  /dev/tty).   In that case, there is no difficultly with
X      "piped" operations releasing locks and lines.
X   3. Removing stale lock files:  For various reasons,  lock  files  some-
X      times  get  left about after uucp or C-Kermit activities.  (The most
X      common reason is that the uucp or C-Kermit activity was "killed"  by
X      a  shell  command.)   If the lock file is owned by yourself, clearly
X      you may remove it (presuming you are not running C-Kermit or uucp in
X      the background when you discovered it).
X      Uucp  supports a function, called uuclean, which is customarily used
X      to remove these files after a predetermined age.  If in doubt  about
X      a  lock  file  on  the dial-out line you need, contact your system's
X      operator.
X   4. Modem controls:  If connection is made  over  a  communication  line
X      (rather  than  on  the controlling terminal line), and that line has
X      modem controls, (e.g. data  terminal  ready  and  carrier  detection
X      implementation),  returning  to  the shell level will disconnect the
X      conversation.  In that case, one should use  interactive  mode  com-
X      mands,  and  avoid use of piped shell-level operation (also see 'set
X      modem-dialer' and 'dial' commands.)
X   5. Login Scripts:  The present login scripts implementation follows the
X      Unix conventions of uucp's "L.sys" file, rather than the normal Ker-
X      mit "INPUT/OUTPUT" style.  Volunteers have indicated  an  intent  to
X      implement  the  Kermit  standard  for login scripts, and indeed even
X      others may be implemented in the future as needed.
X   6. Dial-out  vs  dial-in  communications  lines  C-Kermit  requires   a
X      dial-out line for the "set line" or "-l" options.  Most systems have
X      some lines dedicated to dial-in, which they enable "loggers" on, and
X      some  lines available for dial-out.  Where a line must be shared be-
X      tween dial-in and dial-out, several options  are  available  (though
X      they are, strictly speaking, outside the pervue of C-Kermit).
X      A  simple  shell program can be used to change directionality of the
X      line if your Unix has the enable(8) and  disable(8)  commands.    In
X      that  case, the shell program could "grep" a "who" to see if anybody
X      is logged onto the desired line; if  not,  it  could  "disable"  the
X      line.    The  shell program will need to be set-uID'ed to root.  The
X      shell program can be called from kermit prior  to  a  dial  command,
X      e.g.,  "!  mydisable.shellprog".    Prior  to  the final "quit" from
X      C-Kermit, another shell program could be executed  to  "enable"  the
X      line again.  This program also needs to be set-uID'ed to root.
X      If  your  Unix  lacks the enable(8) and disable(8) commands, another
X      common technique works if your system supports the  /etc/ttys  file.
X      A shell program could call up an awk program to find the line in the
X      file and set the enable byte to 0 (to directly  disable  the  line).
X      Likewise,  it  can be reenabled by a counterpart at the end.  It may
X      be necessary to pause for 60 seconds after modifying that  file  be-
X      fore the logger sees it and actually disables the line.
X   7. Using  C-Kermit  on  Local Area Networks:  C-Kermit can successfully
X      operate at speeds up to 9600 baud over LANs.  Testing has,  however,
X      shown  that  most  processors,  whether PC/XTs with PC/IX, or Vaxes,
X      need flow control at these rates.  A command, "set flow x" should be
X      issued to each end of this form of connection.
X      If  the  LAN  is  the  sort with an interface card (or box, like the
X      Sytek), then the interface card/box must be programmed to handle the
X      flow control characters (xon and xoff) at the card/box level (rather
X      than forwarding these characters to the remote site).  This  is  be-
X      cause  packetizing  LANs  will not deliver the xoff character to the
X      other end, after packetization, until long after the receive  buffer
X      has been overrun.
X   8. Resetting terminal after abnormal termination or kill: When C-Kermit
X      terminates abnormally (say, for example, by a kill command issued by
X      the  operator)  the  user  may need to reset the terminal state.  If
X      commands do not seem  to  be  accepted  at  the  shell  prompt,  try
X      Control-J  "stty  sane"  Control-J  (use  "reset" on Berkeley Unix).
X      That should take the terminal out of "raw  mode"  if  it  was  stuck
X      there.
X   9. Remote  host  commands  may  time-out  on  lengthy  activity:  Using
X      "remote host" to instruct the C-Kermit server to invoke  Unix  func-
X      tions  (like  "make")  that might take a long time to produce output
X      can cause timeout conditions.
X  10. PC/IX Login Scripts -- Unfound Bug:  Though login scripts appear  to
X      work  properly  on  most  processors,  in the case of the PC/XT with
X      PC/IX, it appears that longer scripts need  to  be  broken  up  into
X      shorter  scripts (invoked sequentially from the take file).  This is
X      because the portion of the script handler which checks if an  opera-
X      tion timed out seems to leave the processor in a strange state (i.e.
X      hung).
X1.7. How to Build C-Kermit for a Unix System
XThe C-Kermit files, as distributed from Columbia, all  begin  with  the  prefix
X"ck".    You  should  make  a  directory  for these files and then cd to it.  A
Xmakefile is provided to build C-Kermit for  various  Unix  systems.    As  dis-
Xtributed,  the  makefile  has  the  name "ckermi.mak".  You should rename it to
X"makefile" and then type "make xxx", where xxx is the symbol for  your  system,
Xfor  instance "make bsd" to make C-Kermit for 4.2 BSD Unix.  The result will be
Xa program called "wermit".  You should test this to make sure it works;  if  it
Xdoes,  then  you can rename it to "kermit" and install it for general use.  See
Xthe makefile for a list of the systems supported and the  corresponding  "make"
X1.8. Adapting C-Kermit to Other Systems
XC-Kermit is designed for portability.  The level of portability is indicated in
Xparentheses after the module name: "C" means any system that has a  C  compiler
Xthat conforms to the description in "The C Programming Language" by Kernighan &
XRitchie (Prentice-Hall, 1978).  "Cf" is like "C", but also requires  "standard"
Xfeatures like printf and fprintf, argument passing via argv/argc, and so on, as
Xdescribed in Kernighan & Ritchie.  "Unix" means the module should be useful un-
Xder  any  Unix  implementation;  it requires features such as fork() and pipes.
XAnything else means that the module is particular to the indicated system.  The
Xmodules are:
Xckmain.c, ckermi.h, ckdebu.h (Cf):
X    This is the main program.  It contains declarations  for  global  variables
X    and a small amount of code to initialize some variables and invoke the com-
X    mand parser.  In its distributed form, it assumes  that  command  line  ar-
X    guments  are passed to it via argc and argv.  Since this portion of code is
X    only several lines long, it should be easy to replace for systems that have
X    different  styles of user interaction.  The header files define symbols and
X    macros used by the various modules of  C-Kermit.    ckdebu.h  is  the  only
X    header  file  that  is included by all the C-Kermit modules, so it contains
X    not only the  debug  format  definitions,  but  also  any  system-dependent
X    typedefs.
Xwart.c (Cf), ckprot.w (C):
X    The ckprot module embodies the Kermit protocol state table and the code  to
X    accomplish  state switching.  It is written in "wart", a language which may
X    be regarded as a subset of the Unix "lex" lexical analyzer generator.  Wart
X    implements  enough  of lex to allow the ckprot module to function.  Lex it-
X    self was not used because it is proprietary (but lex may be used  in  place
X    of  wart  with  minor  reformatting of ckprot.w -- removal of #includes and
X    comments, which must be reinserted into  lex's  output  C  program).    The
X    protocol  module  ckprot.w  is  read  by  wart,  and a system-independent C
X    program is produced.  The syntax  of  a  Wart  program  is  illustrated  by
X    ckprot.w, and is described in ckwart.doc.
Xckfns.c (C):
X    The module contains all the Kermit protocol  support  functions  --  packet
X    formation,  encoding,  decoding, block check calculation, filename and data
X    conversion, protocol parameter negotiation, and high-level interaction with
X    the communication line and file system.  To accommodate small systems, this
X    module has been split into two -- ckfns.c and ckfns2.c.
Xckx???.c (specific to system ???):
X    For  instance,  ckxunx.c (Berkeley, Venix, ATT System III/V, and other Unix
X    systems) -- The ckx module contains  the  system-dependent  primitives  for
X    communication  line  i/o,  timers, and interrupts.  Certain important vari-
X    ables are defined in this module, which determine whether  C-Kermit  is  by
X    default  remote  or local, what the default communication device is, and so
X    forth.  The ckx module maintains its own private database of file  descrip-
X    tors and modes for the console terminal and the file transfer communication
X    line so that other modules (like ckfns or the terminal connect module) need
X    not be concerned with them.  This module will vary significantly among Unix
X    implementations since the sgtty/ioctl/termio functions and their  arguments
X    are  among  the least compatible areas of Unix.  The ckxunx.c file has con-
X    ditional compilation for the variations of Unix.
Xckz???.c (specific to system ???):
X    For  instance,  ckzunx.c  (Berkeley,  Venix,  System III/V Unix) -- The ckz
X    module contains system-dependent primitives for file  i/o,  wildcard  (meta
X    character)  expansion,  file existence and access checking, and system com-
X    mand execution.  It maintains an internal database of i/o "channels"  (file
X    pointers in the case of Unix) for the files C-Kermit cares about -- the in-
X    put file (the file which is being sent), the output file  (the  file  being
X    received),  the  various  logs, the screen, and so forth.  This module will
X    vary little among Unix implementations except for  the  wildcard  expansion
X    code,  which  requires  detailed knowledge of the directory structure.  The
X    ckz module also defines variables containing  the  system  command  strings
X    used  to  perform  certain functions like directory listing, file deletion,
X    etc.  The ckzunx.c file has conditional compilation for the  variations  of
X    Unix.
Xckuser.h, ckuser.c, ckusr2.c, ckusr3.c (Unix):
X    This is the "user interface" for C-Kermit.  It includes the command parser,
X    the screen output functions, and console input functions.  The command par-
X    ser comes in two pieces -- the traditional Unix command line decoder (which
X    is  quite  small and compact), and the interactive keyword parser (which is
X    rather large).  This module is fully replacable; its interface to the other
X    modules  is  very  simple,  and is explained at the beginning of the source
X    file.  The ckuser  module  also  includes  code  to  execute  any  commands
X    directly  which don't require the Kermit protocol -- local file management,
X    etc.  The module is rated "Unix" because it makes  occasional  use  of  the
X    system() function.
X    Note  that  while ckuser is logically one module, it has been split up into
X    three C source files, plus a header file for the symbols they share in com-
X    mon.   This is to accommodate small systems that cannot handle big modules.
X    ckuser.c has the command line and  top-level  interactive  command  parser;
X    ckusr2.c  has  the  help command and strings; ckusr3 has the set and remote
X    commands along with the logging, screen, and "interrupt" functions.
Xckcmd.c, ckcmd.h (Cf):
X    This  is an interactive command parsing package developed for C-Kermit.  It
X    is written portably enough to be usable on any system that has a C compiler
X    that  supports  functions  like  printf.    The file name parsing functions
X    depend upon primitives defined in the ckz module; if these primitives  can-
X    not  be  supplied for a certain system, then the filename parsing functions
X    can be deleted, and the package will still be useful for parsing  keywords,
X    numbers, arbitrary text strings, and so forth.  The style of interaction is
X    the same as that found on the DECSYSTEM-20.
Xckconu.c (Unix):
X    This is the connect module.  As supplied, it should operate in any Unix en-
X    vironment, or any C-based environment that provides  the  fork()  function.
X    The  module  requires  access  to global variables that specify line speed,
X    parity, duplex, flow control, etc,  but  invokes  functions  from  the  ckx
X    module  to  accomplish the desired settings and input/output, and functions
X    from the ckz module to perform session logging.  There is no code for  con-
X    trolling  modem  signals.    No  terminal emulation is performed, but since
X    standard i/o is used for the console, this may be piped through a  terminal
X    emulation filter.  The ckconu function may be entirely replaced, so long as
X    the global settings are honored by its replacement.  PC implementations  of
X    C-Kermit may require the ckcon module to do screen control, escape sequence
X    interpretation, etc, and may also wish to write special  code  to  get  the
X    best possible performance.
Xckdial.c (Unix):
X    This is the dialer module.   As  supplied,  it  handles  hayes  and  ventel
X    modems.
Xcklogi.c (Unix):
X    This is the login script  module.    As  supplied,  it  handles  uucp-style
X    logins.
XMoving C-Kermit to a new system entails:
X   1. Creating  a  new ckx module in C, assembler, or whatever language is
X      most appropriate for system programming on the new system.
X   2. Creating a new ckz module, as above.
X   3. If the system is not Unix-like, then a new ckuser module may be  re-
X      quired, as well as a different invocation of it from ckmain.
X   4. If  the  distributed connect module doesn't work or performs poorly,
X      then it may be replaced.  For instance, interrupt-driven i/o may  be
X      required, especially if the system doesn't have forks.
XThose  who  favor  a  different  style  of  user/program  interaction from that
Xprovided in ckuser.c may replace the entire module, for instance with one  that
Xprovides a mouse/window/icon environment, a menu/function-key environment, etc.
XA few guidelines should be followed to maintain portability:
X   - Keep variable and function names to 6 characters or less.
X   - Keep  modules  small.    For instance, on a PDP-11 it is necessary to
X     keep the code segment of each module below 8K in order to  allow  the
X     segment  mapping  to  occur which is necessary to run programs larger
X     than 64K on a non-I-&-D-space machine.
X   - Keep strings short; many compilers have restrictive maximum lengths.
X   - Keep (f,s)printf arguments short.  If these exceed some compiler  de-
X     pendent  maximum  (perhaps  as  short as 128, after expansion) memory
X     will be overwritten and the program will probably core dump.
X   - Do not introduce system dependencies into ckprot.w or ckfns*.c.
XIn general, remember that this program will have to be compilable by  old  com-
Xpilers and runnable on small systems.
X          C-Kermit   1
X          TELENET   6
X          Unix Kermit   1
X                               Table of Contents
X1. UNIX KERMIT                                                                1
X   1.1. The Unix File System                                                  1
X   1.2. Command Line Operation                                                1
X   1.3. Interactive Operation                                                 3
X   1.4. C-Kermit under Berkeley or System III/V Unix:                         7
X   1.5. C-Kermit on the DEC Pro-3xx with Venix 1.0                            7
X   1.6. C-Kermit Restrictions and Known Bugs                                  7
X   1.7. How to Build C-Kermit for a Unix System                               8
X   1.8. Adapting C-Kermit to Other Systems                                    8
XIndex                                                                         i

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