Hacks for vc

Christer Bernerus bernerus at chalmers.UUCP
Wed Mar 6 22:38:27 AEST 1985

In order to make vc a more powerful tool when calculating anything else
than money I have implemented most of of the standard mathematical
functions found in chapter 3m of your unix programmer's manual.
The modulo (%) and power (** or ^) operators are also included.

One of the hacks published shortly after vc was distributed to net.sources
implemented the keys h,j,k,l for moving around. I have changed this to allow 
the keys to be used even when you are on the command line, although not when
you are writing strings.

If you want these hacks, please drop me a letter. If there is enough interest
I will send the diffs to net.sources.


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