Kermit Source (in C)!!!!!!!!

Ed Hall edhall at randvax.UUCP
Mon Mar 4 09:45:44 AEST 1985

> This version of kermit is an absolute piece of trash. There is a full
> server implementation of kermit available from columbia university.
> 					Random
> 					Research Triangle Institute
> 					...!mcnc!rti-sel!rcb

Trash, you say?  It works very well!  The version of KERMIT posted has
been used and incrementally refined for a long time.  It is a robust
piece of software.

On the other hand, the new version of KERMIT you mention is still in
preliminary form, and there are still serious bugs.  I have a recent
version (FTP'd from Columbia's system two days ago!), and it tends
to behave very erratically in server mode, quickly becoming unusable.

I'll stick to the older version (still avaliable from Columbia, by the
way) until this one is no longer ``preliminary''.

Those of you with ARPA access can pick up either version from host
``CU20B'' via anonymous FTP.  The old version is ``KER:UX*'', the
newer ``KER:CK*''.  This host is also on a couple of other computer
networks.  (Note: as near as I can tell, the older version at Columbia
is the same as the one posted.)

		-Ed Hall

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