When does ( alarm(1) == alarm(INFINITY) ) ?

Radford Neal radford at calgary.UUCP
Sat Mar 9 08:15:38 AEST 1985

> > (Routine posted by me that handles the race problem caused by 
> >  code like  alarm(1); pause();  by using self-modifying code 
> >  to destroy the pause system call in the interrupt routine activated
> >  by the alarm signal.)

> Although this solution to the problem may be sound, this method of implementing
> it is, er... dumb (to say the least).  The following implementation is much
> easier to understand, simpler and (Oh wow!) portable:
> 		int (*foo)();
> 		int pause();
> 			...
> 		{
> 			...
> 			/* Point at the pause() call */
> 			foo = pause;
> 			/* Set up alarm */
> 			alarm(1);
> 			/* Actually do pause (well, maybe) */
> 			(*foo)();
> 			/* Proceed merrily along */
> 		}
> 		int null()
> 		{}	/* Do nothing function */
> 		alarm_signal_handler()
> 		{
> 			foo = null;
> 		}
> 					Keith Andrews
> 					U of Calgary, Dept. of CS

Unfortunately, this implementation of the solution DOES NOT WORK!

One must make sure that no race occurs if the interrupt occurs at ANY
time, right up to the instruction which transfers control to the
kernel. In the above, it is still possible for the pause procedure to
be called before the interrupt but for it to occur before the chmk
instruction *within* the the pause procedure is executed. Since a VAX
procedure call takes quite a while, this is not all that unlikely. It
is also possible that the statement (*foo)(); itself will be compiled
into several instructions (it definitely will be on a 68000).

There may be a marginally cleaner way of doing this using "indirect
system calls", which exist on PDP11 Unices (at least). I see no way
of doing it in a machine-independent manner without the appropriate
kernel extensions such as 4.2 has. The code-modification technique
might still be useful on a 4.2 system if interrupts occur lots of
times, making the appropriate sighold (or whatever, I haven't read the
manual recently) calls too time-consuming.

    Radford Neal
    The University of Calgary

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