Grade II braille translator?

campbell campbell at hpbsla.UUCP
Fri Mar 8 09:54:00 AEST 1985

I am looking for a program that will translate ASCII text into grade II
braille.  I am looking for either public domain source code that will
run on a mainframe such as the HP3000, or a product for the HP3000.  (I
have a copy of DOTSYS III of 1977 or earlier vintage.)

I am also interested in information about versions that will run under
CP/M or UN*X.

Grade II braille is the contracted form of braille which is the
"standard" braille for nonspecialized text.

Thanks in advance.

Gary Campbell
R&D Lab, MS#985
Boise Division
P. O. Box 15
Boise, ID  83707

uucp: hplabs!hpbsla!campbell
AT&T: (208) 323-2532

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