GNU emacs on mod.sources [a note from the moderator]

Barry Shein root at bu-cs.UUCP
Fri Mar 29 12:07:01 AEST 1985

Being one of the first people to jump up and say 'yeah, post it'
I now am more aware of the size and re-cant [although, of course,
I now have *my* copy so...]. I bow to those who have more experience
with this sort of thing and what a madhouse it could produce.
Obviously if there is a lot of sentiment for posting it than maybe
that's what democracy is all about.

Hey, I may have been wrong and I'm big enough (6'2", 187lbs) to admit

	-Barry Shein, Boston University

P.S. If you are in the Boston Area and would like to drop by to
fill up a tape with GNU send me email and we'll arrange something.
I'll consider self-addressed stamped tapes (groan, I barely sleep
anymore.) bzs at bu-cs.CSNET
[I'll assume 1600BPI tar unless told otherwise]

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