SKELX exec file

Steve Maker maker at dartvax.UUCP
Thu Mar 7 04:23:33 AEST 1985

{USAGE:  R<skelX         needs files SKEL.TEXT and SKELR.TEXT

         compiles, gens, links and runs RMAKER
         on SKEL.TEXT and SKELR.TEXT, then runs MACCOM.

         Insert a Mac diskette in the Lisa drive before using.
         A super-simple EXEC file by Steve Maker.

         See the code for SKEL for more info.
          2/27/85 Sue Tavela  pass $M+ option to compiler,
                              drop G lines (code generation is automatic).}
P{ascal compiler}$M+
SKEL     {input file: SKEL.TEXT}
      {no listing file}
SKEL    {output file: SKEL.I}
L{ink}?{Link: want to give options}
+X    {gives a warning for pre-3.0 Lisa Workshops.}
      {No more options.}
SKEL    {input file: SKEL.OBJ}
obj/quickDraw    {Link with all these system object files}
obj/tooltraps    {some are unnecessary for SKEL, but may be needed later.}
obj/elems        {here we link with SANE and ELEMS, not SANELIB}
    {no more object files}
    {list on console}
SKELL.OBJ   {output file: SKELL.OBJ}
R{un}RMaker   {makes the final executable code file}
SKELr  {input resource def file: SKELR.TEXT; has name of SKELL.OBJ in it.
      Output is SKEL.RSRC}
R{un}MacCom   {write to Mac diskette}
FYLSKEL.RSRC   {set Finder info; send SKEL.RSRC via Lisa->Mac}
SKEL.RSRC      {result will be named SKEL}
APPL  {set type to APPL}
SKEL  {set creator to SKEL (so it gets the right icon}
Y{es, set the bundle bit}E{ject}Q{uit MacCom}

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