'make' available for IBM PC--how to get it

Dwight Ernest dwight at timeinc.UUCP
Mon May 20 03:28:41 AEST 1985

	I've seen many requests for a 'make' for IBM PCs and
compatibles. I found a package which purports to be exactly
that while browsing on Compuserve a couple of days ago.
I have not tried it out yet, so I don't know of its quality
nor of its capabilities. It includes source code and its
own makefile.
	You can get it if you have three things: 1) access
to a PC with a modem and and XMODEM-compatible file transfer
program (like YAM or XMODEM or MODEM7) or, alternatively,
access to a PC with a modem and a Kermit program; 2) the
public domain Huffman-type unsqueeze utility (USQ) (if you
don't have this, you can pick it up along with the package
when you make the download); 3) a library handling utility
like LU or LUE (again, if you don't this, you can download
it from the same machine at the same time).
	To get it, simply dial up our system at 300 or 1200
baud, and after carrier detect, hit a few returns to let
Pro-YAM determine your baud rate. Then 'cd /pubdom/prgms/util'
and take a look around. The file is a library of squeezed members
called NMAKE.LBR, and it's in that directory. The phone number
is 212-603-8747, and the system is located in New York City.
Help yourself!
		--Dwight Ernest	KA2CNN	\ Usenet:...vax135!timeinc!dwight
		  Time Inc. Edit./Prod. Tech. Grp., New York City
		  Voice: (212) 554-5061 \ Compuserve: 70210,523
"The opinions expressed above are those of the writer and do not necessarily
 reflect the opinions of Time Incorporated."

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