mkact.c - rebuild your usenet active file

Paul A. Vixie paul at greipa.UUCP
Tue May 14 17:04:28 AEST 1985

This utility was written when our news active file was accidentally wiped
out.  Because the active file is so sensitive, it does not operate on it
directly, but instead operates as a filter.  To make use of it, you must
have an active file in proper format containing all newsgroups you wish
to recover (this was our case; the file just suddenly became two weeks
out of date)...

There is nothing at the end of this article...
--------------------------hack here--------------------------------------
/* mkact - remake news active file for 2.10.2
 * vix 13may85 [written]
 * usage:	$0 <oldactivefile >newactivefile

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/file.h>

#define	TRUE	1
#define	FALSE	0
#define MAXSTR	128
#define BASE	"/usr/spool/news/"
#define COMM	"ls -1F %s | sort -n"

	char	line[MAXSTR], ng[MAXSTR], can[2], dir[MAXSTR], command[MAXSTR];
	long	maxart, minart;
	int	x, l;
	FILE	*sort, *popen();

	while (4 == fscanf(stdin, "%s %ld %ld %1s", ng, &maxart, &minart, can))
		makedir(dir, ng);
		if (present(dir))
			sprintf(command, COMM, dir);
			if (!(sort = popen(command, "r")))
				for (l = 0;  fgets(line, MAXSTR-1, sort);  l++)
					if (0 != (x = atoi(line)))
						if (line[strlen(line)-2] != '/')
							if (1 == l)
								minart = x;
							maxart = x;
		printf("%s %05d %05d %s\n", ng, maxart, minart, can);

static makedir(dir, ng)
char	*dir, *ng;
	strcpy(dir, BASE);
	dir += strlen(BASE);
	while (*ng) {
		if (*ng == '.')
			*dir = '/';
			*dir = *ng;
		dir++; ng++;
	*dir = '\0';

static present(name)
char	*name;
	int	file;

	if (-1 == (file = open(name, O_RDONLY, 0)))
		return (FALSE);
	return (TRUE);

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