Need cpio.c source (really Sys V on VAXen with RA-81s)

Bill Stewart wcs at ho95b.UUCP
Sat May 4 07:20:24 AEST 1985

DEC sells device driver software to use RA-81s and RA-60s on UNIX
systems running either either System V or System V Release 2.
(But NOT SYstem V Release 2 Version 2 <the paging version>.  The paging
version made some changes to the compiler and/or loader, including a
new magic number, and there were a few files that DEC and the paging
group both messed with.  Some people here have gotten the two to work
together, but it was not painless.)

We've used their drivers, and they're not bad - the 750 version has a
few mistakes that are fixed in the SVR2 version, but we're running
System V on it so our boot procedure is a bit messy.

The technical contact at DEC is Dave Leonard, at the Holmdel NJ
office (1-201-946-9403).
				Bill Stewart

Disclaimer - this of course does not represent policy of AT&T Bell
Labs, DEC, or anybody.  UNIX, DEC, VAX, RA***, and V are trademarks of
AT&T, DEC, and various space invaders.
			Bill Stewart	1-201-949-0705
			AT&T Bell Labs, Room 4K-435, Holmdel NJ

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