Context - find the context of located text

Brandon Allbery bsa at ncoast.UUCP
Tue May 28 12:10:33 AEST 1985

This is a handy little program I whipped up to quickly locate errors in C
programs during a compile or lint session, but it is just as useful for
grep -n or anything else which lists a filename and line number.  It is
quite permissive in its format.  The output is reminiscent of a context diff:

	% cc foo.c |& context
	* "foo.c", line 5: warning: old-fashioned initialization: use =
	  main() {
	  	int i;
	* 	long ix.v;
	  	i = getpid();
	  	if (ix_v = getchar() == EOF)
	* "foo.c", line 5: syntax error
	  main() {
	  	int i;
	* 	long ix.v;
	  	i = getpid();
	  	if (ix_v = getchar() == EOF)
	* "foo.c", line 5: warning: old-fashioned initialization: use =
	  main() {
	  	int i;
	* 	long ix.v;
	  	i = getpid();
	  	if (ix_v = getchar() == EOF)
	* "foo.c", line 5: v undefined
	  main() {
	  	int i;
	* 	long ix.v;
	  	i = getpid();
	  	if (ix_v = getchar() == EOF)
	* "foo.c", line 8: ix_v undefined
	  	long ix.v;
	  	i = getpid();
	* 	if (ix_v = getchar() == EOF)

It has one optional argument; a number `n' prints that much context before
and after the line in question.

No manual page, sorry.



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/* $Header: context.c,v 1.4 85/05/27 21:51:34 bsa Exp $ */

 * Copyright (C) 1985 by North Coast Programming.
 * This program, and any documentation for it, is copyrighted by North Coast
 * Programming.  It may be copied for non-commercial use only, provided that
 * any and all copyright notices are preserved.
 * Please report any bugs and/or fixes to:
 *		North Coast Programming
 *		6504 Chestnut Road
 *		Independence, OH 44131
 *		...decvax!cwruecmp!ncoast!bsa
 *		ncoast!bsa at Case.CSNet
 *									     *
 *		context - display the context of located text		     *
 *									     *
 * $Log:	context.c,v $
 * Revision 1.4  85/05/27  21:51:34  bsa
 * Placed in the public domain.
 * Revision 1.3  85/04/04  12:29:48  bsa
 * Made file line-number seeking smarter.
 * Revision 1.2  85/04/03  23:48:17  bsa
 * Changed header format; fixed minor bug in high range of context display.
 * Revision 1.1  85/04/03  23:26:26  bsa
 * Initial revision

#ifndef lint
static char RcsId[] = "$Header: context.c,v 1.4 85/05/27 21:51:34 bsa Exp $ [Copyright (C) 1985 NCP]";

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

char curfile[512];
FILE *curfp = NULL;
int cxtrange = 3;

char *gets();

main(argc, argv)
char **argv; {
	char context[512], fline[512], *cp, *fcp;
	long cxtln, lolino, hilino, curln;

	if (argc > 2) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Usage: context [nlines] < listfile\n");
	if (argc == 2)
		if ((cxtrange = atol(argv[1])) < 1 || cxtrange > 25)
			cxtrange = 3;
	while (gets(context) != (char *) 0) {
		for (cp = context; *cp != '.' && *cp != '/' && *cp != '-' && *cp != '_' && !isalnum(*cp); cp++)
			if (*cp == '\0')
		if (*cp == '\0')
		strcpy(fline, cp);
		for (fcp = cp, cp = fline; *cp == '_' || *cp == '.' || *cp == '/' || *cp == '-' || isalnum(*cp); cp++, fcp++)
		if (*cp == '\0')
		*cp = '\0';
		if (curfp == (FILE *) 0 || strcmp(curfile, fline) != 0) {
			if (curfp != (FILE *) 0)
			if ((curfp = fopen(fline, "r")) == (FILE *) 0) {
			strcpy(curfile, fline);
			curln = 0;
		for (; !isdigit(*fcp); fcp++)
		cxtln = atol(fcp);
		lolino = (cxtln < cxtrange - 1? 1: cxtln - cxtrange);
		hilino = cxtln + cxtrange;
		if (lolino < curln) {
			fseek(curfp, 0L, 0);
			curln = 0;
		if (cxtln == curln) {		/* already shown */
			printf("*****\n* %s\n*****\n\n", context);
		printf("**************\n* %s\n*****\n", context);
		while (fgets(fline, 512, curfp) != (char *) 0 && ++curln < lolino)
		if (curln < lolino)
		out(fline, curln == cxtln);
		while (fgets(fline, 512, curfp) != (char *) 0 && ++curln <= hilino)
			out(fline, curln == cxtln);

out(s, flg)
char *s; {
	printf("%c %s", (flg? '*': ' '), s);
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Brandon Allbery, Unix Consultant -- 6504 Chestnut Road, Independence, OH 44131
decvax!cwruecmp!ncoast!bsa; ncoast!bsa at case.csnet; +1 216 524 1416; 74106,1032
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