A new version of MAKE for the IBM PC (part 1 of 2)

Eric C. Brown brownc at utah-cs.UUCP
Wed May 8 13:52:00 AEST 1985

About a year ago, Landon Dyer posted a version of MAKE for the IBM PC.
This had some problems, most notably that it would not directly execute
programs.  Therefore, I hacked it up and added direct execution of programs
and some features that I needed in a make, most notably, extraction 
of files from archives.  This posting contains the MAKE sources and the
sources for an archiver called LAR, which is similar to LU except that
the date and time are preserved in the archive.  MAKE can examine LAR 
format files and conditionally extract files from the archive.

Both MAKE and LAR were written in Wizard C.  They depend on a number
of include files being present, and on a number of library functions. 
Most of the dependencies are localized to LWTOL.C, execute.c, parsedir.c,
and getdir.c.  Some functions such as _open, _close, _read, and _write
are binary versions of the standard unix open, close, etc.

No guarantees are made about the portability of these programs.

Eric C. Brown
brownc at utah-cs

#------------Cut Here ------------------------------------------------
# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then
# unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".  (Files
# unpacked will be owned by you and have default permissions.)
# This archive contains:
# execute.c file.c getdir.c macro.c make.c make.h osdate.c parsedir.c token.c

echo x - execute.c
cat > "execute.c" << '//E*O*F execute.c//'
#include <errno.h>
#include <bdos.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "make.h"

#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
#define BUFFSIZ 256

char *searchpath(), *getenv();
extern	int	_envseg;
static char cmd[128], param[128];
static char *cmds[] = {
	0 };

execute (str, noexecflag)
char *str;
int noexecflag;
    char tmp[BUFFSIZ], buf[10];
    int index = 0, rval;
    extern int ignore_errors;
    if (noexecflag) {
        fputs(str, stdout);
	return 0;
    while (*str != '\0') {
        if (*str == '\n') {
	    tmp[index] = '\0';
	    index = 0;
	    if ((rval = run(tmp)) != 0 && !ignore_errors) {
	        fputs("***Error Code ", stderr);
		itoa(rval, buf);
		fputs(buf, stderr);
		fputc('\n', stderr);
	        return rval;
	else if (index == (BUFFSIZ - 1)) {
	    fputs("Command Too Long: ", stderr);
	    fputs(str, stderr);
	    fputs("\nShorten.\n", stderr);
	    return -1;
	else {
	    tmp[index++] = *str++;
    return 0;

#ifdef TESTING
        char temp[128];

	for (;;) {
		printf("Command: ");
	if (temp[0] == '\0') break;
		printf("        Execute: %d\n",run(temp));

/* run(str)
 * char *str;
 *		returns the value of the executed command.  If the command is
 *		an MS-DOS resident command the command.com is executed else
 *		the program is invoked (looking down the PATH).
 *		Written: Bradley N. Davis  University of Utah VCIS group
 *		Date: 4-Jan-84

char *str;
	struct	execp	ep;
	struct	SREGS	segs;

	return 0;
	if (str[0] == '\0') {		/* Blank Line? push to subshell */
		strcpy(cmd, getenv("COMSPEC"));
		param[0] = '\0';
		ep.ex_envseg = _envseg;
		ep.ex_cmdadd = (unsigned)param;
		ep.ex_cmdseg = segs.ss;
		ep.ex_fcb1ad = 0;
		ep.ex_fcb1sg = 0;
		ep.ex_fcb2ad = 0;
		ep.ex_fcb2sg = 0;
		return (exec(cmd, 0, &ep));
	if (resident(str))

 * resident(str)
 * char *str;
 *		returns true if the command in str is an MS-DOS resident
 *		command.
 *		Written: Bradley N. Davis  University of Utah VCIS group
 *		Date: 4-Jan-84
#define iswhite(ch) ( ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' )
char *str;
	char **t, *strpbrk();
	int i, j;

	while (iswhite(*str)) str++;		/* trim blanks */
	if (str[1] == ':' && isalpha(str[0]))		/* look for x: */
	    return TRUE;
	if (strpbrk(str, "<>|") != NULL)	/* redirection? use system */
	    return TRUE;
	i = 0;
	while ( isalnum(*str))
		if (isupper(*str))
			cmd[i++] = *str++ - 'A' + 'a';
			cmd[i++] = *str++;
	cmd[i] = '\0';
	for (t = cmds; *t; t++) {
		if (strcmp(*t,cmd) == 0) return TRUE;
	strcat(cmd, ".bat");			/* Batch file? use system */
	if (searchpath(cmd) != 0) {
		cmd[i] = '\0';
		return TRUE;
	cmd[i] = '\0';
	j = strlen(str);
	i = 1;
	while ((param[i++] = *str++) != 0);
	param[0] = j;
	param[j+1] = '\r';
	return FALSE;

char	*cmd, *param;
	struct	execp	ep;
	struct	SREGS	segs;
	char	*pathp;
	int	len;

	len = strlen(cmd);
	strcat(cmd, ".com");
	pathp = searchpath(cmd);
	if (pathp == 0) {
		cmd[len] = '\0';
		strcat(cmd, ".exe");
		pathp = searchpath(cmd);
		if (pathp == 0) {
			cmd[len] = '\0';
			errno = ENOENT;
	ep.ex_envseg = _envseg;
	ep.ex_cmdadd = (unsigned)param;
	ep.ex_cmdseg = segs.ss;
	ep.ex_fcb1ad = 0;
	ep.ex_fcb1sg = 0;
	ep.ex_fcb2ad = 0;
	ep.ex_fcb2sg = 0;
	return (exec(pathp, 0, &ep));
//E*O*F execute.c//

echo x - file.c
cat > "file.c" << '//E*O*F file.c//'
#include <stdio.h>
#include "make.h"

 * Return file-node for 'fname'.
 * If it doesn't exist, then create one.
FILENODE *filenode(fname)
char *fname;
	FILENODE *f, *afnode(), *gfile();

	if ((f = gfile(fname)) == (FILENODE *) NULL)
		f = afnode(fname);
	return f;

 * Add a dependency to the node 'fnd'.
 * 'fnd' will depend on 'fname'.
FILENODE *addfile(fnd, fname)
char *fname;
	NODE *n;

    if (fnd == (FILENODE *) NULL) {		/* punt if no root file */
        fputs("No current root, can't add dependency '", stderr);
	fputs(fname, stderr);
	fputs("%s'\n", stderr);
	return (FILENODE *) NULL;

    f = filenode(fname);
    if ((n = (NODE *)calloc(1, sizeof(NODE))) == (NODE *) NULL) allerr();
    n->nnext = fnd->fnode;
    fnd->fnode = n;
    n->nfile = f;
    return f;

 * Add a line of method-text to the node 'fnode'.
addmeth(fnode, methtext)
FILENODE *fnode;
char *methtext;
	int len;
	char *new;

	if (fnode == (FILENODE *) NULL || methtext == NULL) return;

	len = strlen(methtext) + 2;
	if (fnode->fmake == NULL) {
	    if ((fnode->fmake = (char *)calloc(1, 1)) == NULL) allerr();
	    *(fnode->fmake) = '\0';
	len += strlen(fnode->fmake);

/* Lattice C doesn't have 'realloc()', so this kludges around it: */
	if ((new = (char *)calloc(1, len)) == NULL) allerr();
	strcpy(new, fnode->fmake);
	fnode->fmake = new;

	strcat(fnode->fmake, methtext);
	len = strlen(fnode->fmake);
	if (len && fnode->fmake[len - 1] != '\n')
		strcat(fnode->fmake, "\n");

 * Add token to the parent list.  Return the pointer to the new parent.
 * If token is already on the parent list, simply return the pointer found.
FILENODE *addtolist(token, list)
char *token;
NODE **list;
    NODE *search, *newnode;
    for (search = *list; search != (NODE *) NULL; search = search->nnext) {
        if (!strcmp (search->nfile->fname, token)) 
        return search->nfile;
    /* token not found so far... add it to list */
    if ((newnode=(NODE *)calloc(1,sizeof(NODE))) == (NODE *)NULL) allerr();
    search = *list;
    *list = newnode;
    newnode->nnext = search;
    if ((newnode->nfile = (FILENODE *)calloc(1, sizeof(FILENODE))) == (FILENODE *) NULL) allerr();

    if ((newnode->nfile->fname = (char *)calloc(1, strlen(token)+1)) == NULL) allerr();
    strcpy(newnode->nfile->fname, token);
    newnode->nfile->parent = (FILENODE *) NULL;
    return newnode->nfile;

static NODE *parentlist = (NODE *) NULL;

FILENODE *addparent(token)
char *token;
    FILENODE *addtolist();

    return addtolist(token, &parentlist);

isonlibrary(f)				/* return SUCCEED if f is a library. */
FILENODE *f;				/* set f->fdate to parent's date */
    if (f->fflag & LIBRARY) {
        f->fdate = f->parent->fdate;
    return FAILURE;
 * Add file node fnd to library list.
static FILENODE *librarylist = (FILENODE *) NULL;

    NODE *n;

    if (librarylist == (FILENODE *) NULL)  {
        if ((librarylist = (FILENODE *) calloc(1, sizeof(FILENODE))) == (FILENODE *) NULL)
        librarylist->fnode = (NODE *) NULL;
    if ((n = (NODE *)calloc(1, sizeof(NODE))) == (NODE *) NULL) allerr();
    n->nnext = librarylist->fnode;
    librarylist->fnode = n;
    n->nfile = fnd;

 * Return SUCCEED if filenode f is a direct descendant of a library;
 * set f->fdate to parent's time.

    NODE *lib, *dep;

printf("Searching for: %s\n", f->fname);
    if (librarylist == (FILENODE *)  NULL) return FAILURE;
    for (lib = librarylist->fnode; lib != (NODE *) NULL; lib = lib->nnext) {
        for (dep = lib->nfile->fnode; dep != (NODE *) NULL; dep = dep->nnext) {
printf("Examining: %s\n", dep->nfile->fname);
            if (f == dep->nfile) {                /* found it!! */
printf("Found %s depend on %s\n", dep->nfile->fname, lib->nfile->fname);
                f->fdate = lib->nfile->fdate;        /* update time */
                return SUCCEED;
    return FAILURE;

isanarchive(f)				/* return SUCCEED if f is an archive */
FILENODE *f;				/* set f->fdate to date in parent's */
{					/* archive directory */
	DATE getarchdate();

    if (f->fflag & ARCHIVE) {
        f->fdate = getarchdate(f->parent->fname, f->fname);
    return FAILURE;

NODE  *deletelist = (NODE *) NULL;

	FILENODE *addtolist();
printf("Extracting %s for archivehood.\n", f->fname);
    if (f->fflag & ARCHIVE) {
printf("Copying %s for archivehood.\n", f->fname);
        copyfile(f->parent->fname, f->fname);
	(void) addtolist(f->fname, &deletelist);  /* delete f->fname at end of run */
    return FAILURE;

    NODE *search;

printf("Inside cleanuparchives.\n");

    for (search = deletelist; search != (NODE *)NULL; search = search->nnext) {
        fputs("Purging ", stdout);
        unlink (search->nfile->fname);

 * Get a filenode for the file called 'fn'.
 * Returns (FILENODE *) NULL if the node doesn't exist.
FILENODE *gfile(fn)
char *fn;

	for (f = froot; f != (FILENODE *) NULL; f = f->fnext)
		if (!strcmp(fn, f->fname)) return f;
	return (FILENODE *) NULL;

 * Alloc space for a new file node.
FILENODE *afnode(name)
char *name;

	for (f=froot; f; f=f->fnext)
		if (!strcmp(name, f->fname)) return f;

	if ((f = (FILENODE *)calloc(1, sizeof(FILENODE))) == (FILENODE *) NULL) allerr();

	if ((f->fname = (char *)calloc(1, strlen(name)+1)) == NULL) allerr();
	strcpy(f->fname, name);

	if ((f->fmake = (char *)calloc(1, 1)) == NULL) allerr();
	*(f->fmake) = '\0';

	f->fdate = (DATE) NULL;

	f->fnode = (NODE *) NULL;
	f->parent = (FILENODE *) NULL;

	f->fflag = 0;

	f->fnext = froot;
	froot = f;
	return f;

 * Print dependency tree.
	NODE *n;

	for (f = froot; f != (FILENODE *) NULL; f = f->fnext)
	    fputs(f->fname, stdout);
	    fputs((f->fflag & ROOTP) ? " (root)" : "", stdout);
	    fputs((f->fflag & REBUILT) ? " (rebuilt)" : "", stdout);
	    fputs((f->fflag & LIBRARY) ? " (library)" : "", stdout);
	    fputs((f->fflag & EXTRACT) ? " (extracted)" : "", stdout);
	    fputs((f->fflag & ARCHIVE) ? " (archive)" : "", stdout);
	    if (f->parent != (FILENODE *) NULL) {
	        fputs("Parent is: ", stdout);
		fputs(f->parent->fname, stdout);
		fputc('\n', stdout);
		fputs("Parental Date:", stdout);
		if (f->fmake != NULL)
		puts("Dependents: ");
		for (n = f->fnode; n != (NODE *) NULL; n = n->nnext) {
		    fputc('\t', stdout);
		fputc('\n', stdout);
//E*O*F file.c//

echo x - getdir.c
cat > "getdir.c" << '//E*O*F getdir.c//'
#include "lar.h"
getdir (f)
fildesc f;
    extern int nslots;
    extern struct ludir ldir[MAXFILES];
    char *getname();

    lseek(f, 0L, 0);		/* rewind f */

    if (_read(f, (char *) &ldir[0], DSIZE) != DSIZE)
	error ("No directory\n");

    if ( !equal(getname(ldir[0].l_name, ldir[0].l_ext), "larformt.arc") ) {
        error("This is not a LAR format archive!!");

    if (lwtol(ldir[0].l_datetime) != -1L)
        error("This is not a LAR format archive!!");

    nslots = (int) (lwtol (ldir[0].l_len)/DSIZE);

    if (_read (f, (char *) & ldir[1], DSIZE * nslots) != DSIZE * nslots)
	error ("Can't read directory - is it a library?");

/* convert nm.ex to a Unix style string */
char   *getname (nm, ex)
char   *nm, *ex;
    static char namebuf[14];
    register char  *cp, *dp, *ocp;

    for (cp = namebuf, dp = nm; *dp != ' ' && dp != nm+8;)
	*cp++ = isupper (*dp) ? tolower (*dp++) : *dp++;
    *cp++ = '.';
    ocp = cp;

    for (dp = ex; *dp != ' ' && dp != ex+3;)
	*cp++ = isupper (*dp) ? tolower (*dp++) : *dp++;

    if (cp == ocp)		/* no extension */
        --cp;			/* eliminate dot */

    *cp = '\0';
    return namebuf;

cant (name)
char   *name;
extern int  errno;
extern char *sys_errlist[];

fputs(name, stderr);
fputs(": ", stderr);
fputs(sys_errlist[errno], stderr);
fputs("\n", stderr);
exit (1);

error (str)
char   *str;
fputs("lar: ", stderr);
fputs(str, stderr);
fputs("\n", stderr);
exit (1);

 * This itoa doesn't call in the floating point library:
 *   CI C86 does an sprintf!
itoa(val, buf)
int val;
char *buf;
	register int i;
	int j;
	register char tbuf[10];

	if (val == 0) {
		buf[0] = '0';
		buf[1] = '\0';

	i = 9;

	while (val != 0) {
		tbuf[i--] = (val % 10) + '0';
		val /= 10;


	for (j = 0; i <= 9; i++, j++)
		buf[j] = tbuf[i];

	buf[j] = '\0';
//E*O*F getdir.c//

echo x - macro.c
cat > "macro.c" << '//E*O*F macro.c//'
#include <stdio.h>
#include "make.h"

 * Macro processing

 * Perform macro substitution from 'orig' to 'dest'.
 * Return number of macro substitutions made.
 * A macro reference is in one of two forms:
 *		<MACCHAR>(macro-name)
 *  	or	<MACCHAR><single-character>
 * "<MACCHAR><MACCHAR>" expands to a single '<MACCHAR>'
mexpand(orig, dest, destsiz, macchar)
char *orig, *dest;
int destsiz;
char macchar;
	char *s, *d, mname[STRSIZ];
	int di, count;
/*	MACRO *m; */

	di = count = 0;
	for(s=orig; *s;)
		if(*s == macchar)
			if(*++s == macchar)
				if(di < destsiz-1) dest[di++] = *s++;

			if(!*s) break;
			d = mname;
			if(*s != '(') *d++ = *s++;
				for(++s; *s && *s!=')';) *d++ = *s++;
				if(*s != ')') puts("Missed matching ')'");
				else ++s;
			*d = 0;
			if((d = gmacro(mname)) == NULL) {
				fputs("Undefined macro: ", stderr);
				fputs(mname, stderr);
				fputc('\n', stderr);
			else {
				while(*d && di < (destsiz - 1))
					dest[di++] = *d++;
		} else if(di < destsiz-1)
			dest[di++] = *s++;

	return count;

 * Define a macro.
 * Give the macro called 'name' the string expansion 'def'.
 * Old macro-names are superseded, NOT replaced.
 * Return ERROR if can't define the macro.
defmac(name, def)
char *name, *def;
	MACRO *m;

	if((m = (MACRO *)malloc(sizeof(MACRO))) == (MACRO *) NULL) allerr();
	if((m->mname = (char *)malloc(strlen(name)+1)) == NULL) allerr();
	if((m->mvalue = (char *)malloc(strlen(def)+1)) == NULL) allerr();

	strcpy(m->mname, name);
	strcpy(m->mvalue, def);
	m->mnext = mroot;
	mroot = m;

 * undefmac - undefine a macro.
 * Return 0 if macro was succesfully undefined, -1 if not found.
char *name;
	MACRO *m = mroot;
	MACRO *prev = (MACRO *)NULL;

	while(m != (MACRO *) NULL && strcmp(name, m->mname))
		prev = m;
		m = m->mnext;

	if(m == (MACRO *) NULL) return -1;
	if(prev == (MACRO *) NULL) mroot = m->mnext;
	    else prev->mnext = m->mnext;

	return 0;

 * Lookup a macro called 'name'.
 * Return a pointer to its definition,
 * or NULL if it does not exist.
char *gmacro(name)
char *name;
	MACRO *m;

	for(m=mroot; m != (MACRO *) NULL; m=m->mnext)
		if(!strcmp(name, m->mname)) return m->mvalue;
	return NULL;
 //E*O*F macro.c//

echo x - make.c
cat > "make.c" << '//E*O*F make.c//'
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "make.h"

 *    MAKE - Maintain separate source files
 *        MK [-f file] [-a] [-n] [-d] [-i] [-k] [name] ...
 *           f: use 'file' instead of default makefile
 *           a: assume all modules are obsolete (recompile everything)
 *           n: don't recompile, just list steps to recompile
 *           d: debugging (print tree, file info)
 *	     i: ignore return statuses from execution
 *	     k: if errors occur, propagate error status up tree; continue.
 *           name: module name to recompile
 *    AUTHOR
 *        Landon M. Dyer, Atari Inc.
 *        Eric C. Brown University of Utah.
 *    HACKS
 *        Added object library support (dummy names that inherit dates)
 *	  Added source library support (real parents)
 *	  Added direct execution capability.
 *	  Removed script file.

#define INIT    "~INIT"              /* initialization macro */
#define DEINIT    "~DEINIT"          /* de-init macro */
#define BEFORE    "~BEFORE"          /* the per-root 'startup' method */
#define AFTER    "~AFTER"            /* the per-root 'wrapup' method */

char *mfiles[] = {            /* default makefiles */

#ifdef VAXVMS

#ifdef MSDOS

MACRO *mroot = (MACRO *) NULL;          /* root of macro-list */
FILENODE *froot = (FILENODE *) NULL;    /* root of filenode-list */
FILENODE *firstf =(FILENODE *) NULL;    /* the very first filenode */
char *modnames[MAXMODS];    /* module-names mentioned in commandline */
int execstat = 0;	    /* nonzero if started executing */
int modcount = 0;           /* #of module-names */
int debug = 0;              /* nonzero: turn on debugging */
int obsolete = 0;           /* nonzero: every file should be recompiled */
int noscript = 0;           /* nonzero: print methods on standard output */
int ignore_errors = 0;       /* nonzero: ignore error return codes */
int prop_errors = 0;         /* nonzero: propagate error status up tree */
DATE bigbang;               /* a date, the very earliest possible */
DATE endoftime;             /* a date, the very last possible */

main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
    int arg, i;
    char *mfile = NULL;
    DATE adate();


    for (arg = 1; arg < argc; ++arg)
    if (*argv[arg] == '-') 
        switch (tolower(argv[arg][1])) {
            case 'f':
                if (++arg >= argc) {
                    fputs("-f needs filename argument.\n", stderr);
                mfile = argv[arg];
           case 'a':
               obsolete = 1;
           case 'n':
               noscript = 1;
           case 'd':
               debug = 1;
           case 'i':
               ignore_errors = 1;
           case 'k':
               prop_errors = 1;
               fputs("Unknown switch: ", stderr);
	       fputc(argv[arg][1], stderr);
	       fputc('\n', stderr);
    else if (modcount < MAXMODS)
         modnames[modcount++] = argv[arg];
    else {
        fputs("Too many module names.\n", stderr);

     if (mfile != NULL)  {
         if (fmake(mfile) == -1) {
             fputs("Cannot open makefile '", stderr);
	     fputs(mfile, stderr);
	     fputs("'.\n", stderr);
     } else {
         for (i = 0; *mfiles[i]; ++i)
             if (fmake(mfiles[i]) != -1) 
         if (!*mfiles[i])
             fputs("Cannot open makefile.\n", stderr);
    if (debug) 

 * Construct dependency tree from the makefile 'fn'.
 * Figure out what has to be recompiled, and write a script file to do that.
char *fn;
    FILE *fp;

    if ((fp = fopen(fn, "r")) == (FILE *) NULL) 
        return -1;

    return 0;

 * Parse the input file, defining macros and building the dependency tree.
FILE *fp;
    char ibuf[STRSIZ], ebuf[STRSIZ];
    char *strp, *tok1, *tok2, *s, *fgets();
    FILENODE *lastf = (FILENODE *) NULL, *addfile();

    for (;;)
        if (fgets(ibuf, STRSIZ, fp) == NULL) break;
        mexpand(ibuf, ebuf, STRSIZ, MACCHAR);
        escape(ebuf, COMCHAR);
        s = ebuf + strlen(ebuf) - 1;       /* clobber last newline in string */
        if (s >= ebuf && *s == '\n') 
	    *s = '\0';
        if (*ebuf == '\t') {
            addmeth(lastf, ebuf+1);
        strp = ebuf;
        if ((tok1 = token(&strp)) == NULL) 
        if ((tok2 = token(&strp)) != NULL)
            if (!strcmp(tok2, DEFMAC)) {
                if (*strp) 
		    defmac(tok1, strp);
		    if (undefmac(tok1) < 0) {
             		fputs("Can't undefine macro '", stderr);
			fputs(tok1, stderr);
	   	        fputs("'.\n", stderr);
            else if (!strcmp(tok2, DEPEND)) {
                addmeth(lastf, gmacro(AFTER));	/* terminate last method */

                lastf = filenode(tok1);		/* init lastf */
                if (firstf == (FILENODE *)NULL) 
		    firstf = lastf;
                lastf->fmake = NULL;
                addmeth(lastf, gmacro(BEFORE));
                lastf->fflag |= ROOTP;

                addmanydepend(strp, lastf);
            else if (!strcmp(tok2, ISLIB))
                addmeth(lastf, gmacro(AFTER));

                lastf = filenode(tok1);
                if (firstf == (FILENODE *) NULL) firstf = lastf;
                lastf->fmake = NULL;
                addmeth(lastf, gmacro(BEFORE));
                lastf->fflag |= LIBRARY;
                lastf->fflag |= ROOTP;

/* no archives here -- archives and libraries are mutually exclusive */
                while((tok1 = token(&strp)) != NULL)
                    (void) addfile(lastf, tok1);
            else addmanydepend(strp, lastf);
    addmeth(lastf, gmacro(AFTER));

 * scan tokens from strbuf and search for libraries and archives.
 * libraries look like foo [ bar baz mumble ]
 * archives look like foo ( bar baz mumble )
 * in either case, bar, baz, and mumble have parents of foo.
 * foo is added to the parentlist, if not already on the list.
 * bar, baz, and mumble are added to the dependency list of depend.
 * the command *cannot* be split across newlines without causing errors.
 * if you don't like that, well, life's a bitch and then you die.
addmanydepend(strbuf, depend)
char *strbuf;
FILENODE *depend;
    char *tok1, *tok2;
    FILENODE *parent, *child, *addfile(), *addparent();
    tok1 = token(&strbuf);
    if (tok1 == NULL)
    tok2 = token(&strbuf);
    while (tok2 != NULL) {
        if (!strcmp(tok2, BGNLIB)) {
             parent = addparent(tok1);	/* add tok1 to parent list */
    	     for (tok1 = token(&strbuf); /* skip over token in tok2 */
                  tok1 != NULL && strcmp(tok1, ENDLIB); /* go eol or end */
                  tok1 = token(&strbuf)) {	/* get next token */
                 if (tok1 == NULL) {
                     fputs("MAKE: Error in library defn.\n", stderr);
                 child = addfile(depend, tok1);
                 child -> fflag = LIBRARY;
                 child -> parent = parent;
             }					/* for */
	     tok1 = token(&strbuf);
	     tok2 = token(&strbuf);
	     continue;	/* the while */
	 }					/* if islib */
        if (!strcmp(tok2, BGNARC)) {
             parent = addparent(tok1);	/* add tok1 to parent list */
    	     for (tok1 = token(&strbuf); /* skip over token in tok2 */
                  tok1 != NULL && strcmp(tok1, ENDARC); /* go eol or end */
                  tok1 = token(&strbuf)) {	/* get next token */
                 if (tok1 == NULL) {
                     fputs("MAKE: Error in archive defn.\n", stderr);
                 child = addfile(depend, tok1);
                 child -> fflag = ARCHIVE;
                 child -> parent = parent;
             }					/* for */
	     tok1 = token(&strbuf);		/* get current token */
	     tok2 = token(&strbuf);		/* get lookahead token */
	     continue;	/* the while */
	 }					/* if isarc */
	 else {				/* nothing special -- */
	     (void) addfile(depend, tok1);	/* add dependency */
	     tok1 = tok2;		/* shift token */
	     tok2 = token(&strbuf);
    }						/* while */
    if (tok2 == NULL && tok1 != NULL)	/* last token = not special */
        (void) addfile(depend, tok1);

 * Determine sequence of recompiles from the creation dates.
 * If have anything to recompile, then create a script file full of commands.
    FILENODE *f;
    int i;
    char *m;

    if (firstf ==(FILENODE *) NULL)            /* empty tree */
        puts("No changes.");

    if (modcount == 0) {
    examine(firstf, endoftime);
    else {
        for (i = 0; i < modcount; ++i) {
            if ((f = gfile(modnames[i])) == (FILENODE *) NULL) {
           	fputs("Don't know how to make ", stderr);
		fputs(modnames[i], stderr);
	   	fputs(".\n", stderr);
            if ((f->fflag & ROOTP) == 0) {
             	fputc('\'', stderr);
		fputs(f->fname, stderr);
	   	fputs("' is not a root!\n", stderr);
            examine(f, endoftime);
    if (execstat) {
        if ((m = gmacro(DEINIT)) != NULL) {
            execute (m, noscript);
    } else puts("No changes.");

 * Examine filenode 'fnd' and see if it has to be recompiled.
 * 'date' is the last-touched date of the node's father
 * (or 'endoftime' if its a root file.)
 * Root files with NO dependencies are assumed not to be up to date.
examine(fnd, date)
DATE date;
    int rebuildp = 0, rval, errcode = 0;
    NODE *n;

    printf("Examining %s\n", fnd->fname);
    if (fnd->fnode == (NODE *) NULL && fnd->fflag & ROOTP)
        rebuildp = 1;        /* always rebuild root with no dependents */
    else             /* see if dependents need to be recompiled */
    for (n = fnd->fnode; n != (NODE *) NULL; n = n->nnext) {
        if ((rval = examine(n->nfile, fnd->fdate)) != 0) {
	    if (rval == ERROR) {
	        errcode = ERROR;	/* if error occurred, propagate up */
		fnd->fflag |= ERROR;
		fputs("Couldn't compile ", stderr);
		fputs(fnd->fname, stderr);
		fputs(" because of errors.\n", stderr);
            rebuildp = 1;

/* if ancestor recompiled or root, recompile, but not if error in ancestor */
    if (rebuildp && (fnd->fflag & ERROR) == 0) {
	if (fnd->fflag & ERROR) {
printf("Golly.  I got an error compiling %s.\n", fnd->fname);
	    return (ERROR);

    if (obsolete || laterdt(fnd->fdate, date) >= 0) {
        rebuildp = 1;
    if (errcode)
        return errcode;
        return rebuildp;

 * Make sure a filenode gets recompiled.
    char *m;

    if (!execstat) {
	execstat = 1;
        if ((m = gmacro(INIT)) != NULL) {
            execute(m, noscript);

    if (f->fflag & REBUILT) return;
    if (!noscript) {			/* don't extract if printing steps */
    if (f->fmake != NULL) {
        if (execute(f->fmake, noscript) != 0) {
	    if (!ignore_errors && !prop_errors)
	    else if (prop_errors) 
	        f->fflag |= ERROR;
    f->fflag |= REBUILT;

    NODE *n;

    for (n = fnd->fnode; n != (NODE *) NULL; n = n->nnext) {

printf("yanking %s, flags are %d\n", n->nfile->fname, n->nfile->fflag);
        if ((n->nfile->fflag & ARCHIVE) && ((n->nfile->fflag & EXTRACT) == 0)){
                    /* if archived and not extracted */
            fputs("Extracting ", stdout);
            if (!noscript) {
                if (extract(n->nfile) == FAILURE) {
                    fputs("Extract failed -- I think I'll die now.\n", stderr);
            n->nfile->fflag |= EXTRACT;

 * Complain about being out of memory, and then die.
allerr() {
    fputs("Can't alloc -- no space left (I give up!)\n", stderr);
//E*O*F make.c//

echo x - make.h
cat > "make.h" << '//E*O*F make.h//'
/* #define	VAXVMS	1 */		/* uncomment for VAX/VMS */
#define	MSDOS	1			/* uncomment for MSDOS */

#ifdef VAXVMS
#define ESCCHAR	`\\`		/* ok to use backslash on VMS */

#ifdef MSDOS
#define	ESCCHAR	'`'		/* since pathname char is backslash (yech) */

#define	MACCHAR '$'		/* macro-definition char */
#define	COMCHAR	'#'		/* comment char */
#define	DEFMAC	"="		/* macro-definition token */
#define	DEPEND	":"		/* dependency-definition token */
#define BGNLIB  "["		/* start library token */
#define ENDLIB  "]"		/* end library token */
#define ISLIB   "|"		/* Library definition token */
#define BGNARC  "("		/* start archive token */
#define ENDARC  ")"		/* end archive token */

#define	DEBUG	0
#define	STRSIZ	1024
#define	MAXMODS	50

#define NOREALEXECUTE		/* if set, don't really execute commands */
#define NOREALEXTRACT		/* if set, don't really extract files */
#define NOREALDELETE		/* if set, don't really delete files */

#define SUCCEED 0
#define FAILURE -1

/* file attributes */
#define	REBUILT	0x01		/* file has been reconstructed */
#define	ROOTP	0x02		/* file was named on left side of DEPEND */
#define LIBRARY 0x04		/* file is library; inherit parent's time */
#define ARCHIVE 0x08		/* file is archive; search through parent */
				/* archive directory for time */
#define EXTRACT 0x10		/* extract from archive when rebuilding */
#define ERROR   0x20		/* error occurred while rebuilding */

#ifdef VAXVMS
struct date_str {
	unsigned ds_low, ds_high;

typedef struct date_str *DATE;
#ifdef MSDOS
#ifndef FA_ARCH
#include <bdos.h>
typedef struct ftime *DATE;

struct node {
	struct filenode *nfile;	/* this node's file */
	struct node *nnext;	/* the next node */
typedef struct node NODE;

struct filenode {
	char *fname;		/* the filename */
	char *fmake;		/* remake string for file */
	DATE fdate;		/* 32 bit last-modification date */
	NODE *fnode;		/* files this file depends on */
	char fflag;		/* magic flag bits */
	struct filenode *parent;/* pointer to parent for archives, libraries */
	struct filenode *fnext;	/* the next file */
typedef struct filenode FILENODE;

struct macro {
	char *mname;		/* the macro's name */
	char *mvalue;		/* the macro's definition */
	struct macro *mnext;	/* the next macro */
typedef struct macro MACRO;

extern MACRO *mroot;
extern FILENODE *froot;
extern DATE bigbang;		/* Far, far in the past */
extern DATE endoftime;		/* Far, far in the future */
char *gmacro();
FILENODE *filenode(), *gfile();
char *token();
//E*O*F make.h//

echo x - osdate.c
cat > "osdate.c" << '//E*O*F osdate.c//'
; OSDATE - return file's creation-date (called from Lattice), or -1
;	   if can't find the file.
; Synopsis:
;		int osdate(filename, time1, time2)
;			char *filename;
;			int *time1, *time2;

#include "lar.h"
#undef ERROR
#define FILERR -1
#include "make.h"

DATE osdate(filename, success)
char *filename;
int *success;
	DATE adate(), newdate;
	register int handle;
	if ((handle = _open(filename, O_RDONLY)) == FILERR) {
		*success = FAILURE;
		return (DATE) NULL;
 	newdate = adate();
	getftime(handle, newdate);
	*success = SUCCEED;
	return newdate;

struct ludir ldir[MAXFILES];
int nslots;
char *malloc(), *getname();

DATE getarchdate(archname, filename)
char *archname, *filename;
    fildesc lfd;
    register int    i;
    register struct ludir *lptr;
    union timing {
    	DATE ftimeptr;
	long *longptr;
	} unionptr;
    DATE adate(), newdate;
    char   *realname;

printf("Inside getarchdate; looking for %s inside %s.\n", filename, archname);
    if ((lfd = _open (archname, O_RDONLY)) == FILERR)
	cant (archname);
    getdir (lfd);

    for (i = 1, lptr = ldir+1; i < nslots; i++, lptr++) {
	if(lptr->l_stat != ACTIVE)
	realname = getname (lptr->l_name, lptr->l_ext);
	if (strcmp (realname, filename) != 0)
printf("Found file.. name %s time %lx\n", realname, lwtol(lptr->l_datetime));
	newdate = adate();
	unionptr.ftimeptr = newdate;
	*(unionptr.longptr) = lwtol(lptr->l_datetime);
    VOID _close (lfd);
printf("About to return; date is ");
    return newdate;

copyfile(archname, filename)
char   *archname, *filename;
    fildesc lfd, ofd;
    register int    i;
    register struct ludir *lptr;
    union timer timeunion;
    extern int errno;
    char   *realname, outname[64], *tmpptr, *strrchr();

printf("Inside copyfile; looking for %s inside %s.\n", filename, archname);
    if ((lfd = _open (archname, O_RDWR)) == FILERR)
	cant (archname);

    getdir (lfd);

    for (i = 1, lptr = &ldir[1]; i < nslots; i++, lptr++) {
	if(lptr->l_stat != ACTIVE)
	realname = getname (lptr->l_name, lptr->l_ext);
	if (strcmp (realname, filename) != 0)
/* generate real filename */
	tmpptr = strrchr(archname, '/');	/* should be path chr */
	if (tmpptr != NULL)  {
            i = (int) (tmpptr - archname);
printf("tmpptr was not NULL; i is %d.\n",i);
            strncpy(outname, archname, i);
	else {
printf("tmpptr was NULL.\n");
	    i = 0;
	    *outname = '\0';
	strcat(outname, realname);
printf("Got it; about to extract %s.\n", outname);
	ofd = _creat(outname, 0);
	if (ofd == FILERR) {
	    fputs(outname, stderr);
	    fputs ("  - can't create\n", stderr);
	else {
	    VOID lseek (lfd, (long) lwtol (lptr->l_off), 0);
	    acopy (lfd, ofd, lwtol (lptr->l_len));
	    timeunion.realtime = lwtol(lptr->l_datetime);
	    if (ofd != fileno(stdout)) {
                VOID setftime(ofd, &(timeunion.ftimep));
		VOID _close (ofd);
	    break;			/* exit after copy */
    VOID _close (lfd);

static acopy (fdi, fdo, nbytes)		/* copy nbytes from fdi to fdo */
fildesc fdi, fdo;
long nbytes;
    register int btr, retval;
    char blockbuf[BLOCK];
    for (btr = (nbytes > BLOCK) ? BLOCK : (int) nbytes; btr > 0; 
    	 nbytes -= BLOCK, btr = (nbytes > BLOCK) ? BLOCK : (int) nbytes)  {
        if ((retval = _read(fdi, blockbuf, btr)) != btr) {
	    if( retval == 0 ) {
		error("Premature EOF\n");
	     if( retval == FILERR)
	        error ("Can't read");
	if ((retval = _write(fdo, blockbuf, btr)) != btr) {
	     if( retval == FILERR )
	        error ("Write Error");

//E*O*F osdate.c//

echo x - parsedir.c
cat > "parsedir.c" << '//E*O*F parsedir.c//'
#include <stdio.h>
#include "make.h"
#ifdef VAXVMS
#include <rms.h>

extern DATE bigbang, endoftime;

 * Get a file's creation date.
int getdate(f)
	/* return if already got date or if filedate succeeds. */
	if (f->fdate != (DATE) NULL || filedate(f) == SUCCEED) {
 	if (isonlibrary(f) == SUCCEED)	/* isonlibrary will set time */
 	if (isanarchive(f) == SUCCEED)	/* isanarchive will set time */
	else if ((f->fflag & ROOTP) == 0)
		fputs("Can't get date for file '", stderr);
		fputs(f->fname, stderr);
		fputc('\n', stderr);
		f->fdate = endoftime;
	else f->fdate = bigbang;

#ifdef VAXVMS
 * filedate - return file's creation date (VAX/VMS only.)
 * Returns -1 if file cannot be found, 0 if succesful.
	unsigned *datetime;
	DATE adate();
	struct FAB *fptr;
	struct XABDAT *dptr;

	fptr = malloc(sizeof(struct FAB));	/* allocate FAB and XABDAT */
	dptr = malloc(sizeof(struct XABDAT));
	if (fptr == NULL || dptr == NULL) allerr();
	*fptr = cc$rms_fab;			/* initialize FAB and XABDAT */
	*dptr = cc$rms_xabdat;
	fptr->fab$l_xab = (char *) dptr;	/* FAB -> XABDAT */

	fptr->fab$l_fna = fnd->fname;		/* setup filename */
	fptr->fab$b_fns = strlen(fnd->fname);

	if (sys$open(fptr) != RMS$_NORMAL ||	/* open the file */
	   sys$display(fptr) != RMS$_NORMAL)	/* get XABDAT info */
		return -1;

	datetime = &(dptr->xab$q_cdt);		/* record 64-bit date */
	fnd->fdate = adate(datetime[0], datetime[1]);

	sys$close(fptr);			/* close the file */

	free(dptr);				/* clean up and return */
	return 0;

 * laterdt - compare two dates.
 * Return -1, 0 or 1 if date1 < date2, date1 == date2, or date1 > date2
laterdt(date1, date2)
DATE date1, date2;
	if (date1->ds_high > date2->ds_high ||
	   (date1->ds_high >= date2->ds_high &&
	    date1->ds_low > date2->ds_low)) return 1;
	else if (date1->ds_high == date2->ds_high &&
	   date1->ds_low == date2->ds_low) return 0;
	else return -1;

 * adate - allocate a date with the given time
DATE adate(time1, time2)
unsigned time1, time2;
	DATE d;

	if ((d = (DATE)malloc(sizeof(struct date_str))) == NULL) allerr();
	d->ds_low = time1;
	d->ds_high = time2;
	return d;


	bigbang = adate(0, 0);		/* init root dates */
	endoftime = adate(~0, ~0);

DATE fdate;
	printf("( %u, %u )\n",
		(f->fdate != NULL) ? (f->fdate)->ds_high : 0,
		(f->fdate != NULL) ? (f->fdate)->ds_low : 0);

#ifdef MSDOS
 * filedate - return file's creation date (MSDOS only.)
 * Returns -1 if file cannot be found, 0 if successful
	DATE osdate(), newdate;
	int success;

	success = FAILURE;
	newdate = osdate(fnd->fname, &success);
	if (success == FAILURE) return FAILURE;
	fnd->fdate = newdate;
        fnd->fflag |= EXTRACT;		/* don't extract this file again */
	return SUCCEED;

 * laterdt - compare two dates.
 * Return -1, 0 or 1 if date1 < date2, date1 == date2, or date1 > date2
laterdt(date1, date2)
DATE date1, date2;
	if (date1->ft_year > date2->ft_year) return 1;

	if (date1->ft_year < date2->ft_year) return -1;
/* years are equal */
	if (date1->ft_month > date2->ft_month) return 1;

	if (date1->ft_month < date2->ft_month) return -1;
/* months are equal */
	if (date1->ft_day > date2->ft_day) return 1;

	if (date1->ft_day < date2->ft_day) return -1;
/* days are equal */
	if (date1->ft_hour > date2->ft_hour) return 1;

	if (date1->ft_hour < date2->ft_hour) return -1;
/* hours are equal */
	if (date1->ft_min > date2->ft_min) return 1;

	if (date1->ft_min < date2->ft_min) return -1;
/* minutes are equal */
	if (date1->ft_tsec > date2->ft_tsec) return 1;

	if (date1->ft_tsec < date2->ft_tsec) return -1;
/* everything is equal */
	return 0;

 * adate - allocate a date struct to be filled out later.
DATE adate()
	DATE d;

	if ((d = (DATE) calloc(1, sizeof(struct ftime))) == (DATE) NULL) allerr();
	return d;

initrootdates()		/* init root dates */
	bigbang = adate();
	bigbang->ft_tsec = 0;
	bigbang->ft_min = 0;
	bigbang->ft_hour = 0;
	bigbang->ft_day = 1;
	bigbang->ft_month = 1;
	bigbang->ft_year = 0;
	endoftime = adate();
	endoftime->ft_tsec = 29;
	endoftime->ft_min = 59;
	endoftime->ft_hour = 23;
	endoftime->ft_day = 31;
	endoftime->ft_month = 11;
	endoftime->ft_year = 127;

DATE fdate;
	char buf[10];
	fputs("( ", stdout);
	itoa(fdate->ft_hour, buf);
	fputs(buf, stdout);
	fputc(':', stdout);
	itoa(fdate->ft_min, buf);
	fputs(buf, stdout);
	fputc(':', stdout);
	itoa(fdate->ft_tsec, buf);
	fputs(buf, stdout);

	fputs(", ", stdout);
	itoa(fdate->ft_month, buf);
	fputs(buf, stdout);
	fputc('-', stdout);
	itoa(fdate->ft_day, buf);
	fputs(buf, stdout);
	fputc('-', stdout);
	itoa(fdate->ft_year + 80, buf);
	fputs(buf, stdout);
	puts(" )");
//E*O*F parsedir.c//

echo x - token.c
cat > "token.c" << '//E*O*F token.c//'
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "make.h"

 * Get next token from the string.  Return a pointer to it, or NULL.
 * Adjust pointer to point to next part of string.
 * The string is modified.
 * A token consists of any number of non-white characters.
char *token(strpp)
char **strpp;
	char *s, *beg, *stripwh();

	(void) stripwh(strpp);
	if(!**strpp) return NULL;

	beg = s = *strpp;
	while(*s && !isspace(*s)) ++s;
	if(*s) *s++ = '\0';
	*strpp = s;
	return beg;

 * Parse character escape-sequences in a line of text.
 *	<EscChar><EscChar> = <EscChar>
 *	<EscChar>n = newline, and so on
 *	<EscChar><char> = <char>
 * The string is truncated at the first non-escaped occurance of 'comchar'.
escape(str, comchar)
char *str, comchar;
	char *d, c;

	for(d = str; *str && *str != comchar; ++str)
	    if(*str == ESCCHAR && *(str + 1)) switch((c = *++str))
		   case ESCCHAR:
			*d++ = ESCCHAR;

		   case 'n':
			*d++ = '\n';

		   case 'r':
			*d++ = '\r';

		   case 't':
			*d++ = '\t';

		   case 'b':
			*d++ = '\b';

		   case 'f':
			*d++ = '\f';

			*d++ = c;
		} else *d++ = *str;

	*d++ = 0;

char *stripwh(strpp)
char **strpp;
	char *s;

	s = *strpp;
	while(isspace(*s)) ++s;
	return (*strpp = s);
//E*O*F token.c//

exit 0

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