Have you been horsed today?

M.J.Shannon mjs at eagle.UUCP
Thu May 30 05:05:12 AEST 1985

{Eat me, bug!}

Why do people ship `binary only' goodies?  I can think of several reasons:

	to hide the fact that the program may steal information from the
		machine it runs on;
	to hide the fact that the program may destroy information on that
	to hide the fact that the program itself was stolen;
	to protect `proprietary interests'.

Of the above reasons, only one (the last one, in case there's any doubt) is at
all legitimate.  The others all indicate illegalities which may be prosecuted.

Now I just received a games distribution for a micro from a coworker in my
company.  When I asked if there was a possibility of getting source, I was
told, `No Way'.

Which of the above reasons should I presume is the cause for this reaction, and
dare I run any of these programs on my machine?

	Concerned and annoyed,
	Marty Shannon
UUCP:	ihnp4!eagle!mjs
Phone:	+1 201 522 6063

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