bill at persci.UUCP bill at persci.UUCP
Sat May 4 13:00:01 AEST 1985

(Gad, this is hard to do..)

A warning to all users who acquired a copy of sq-usq that I posted to the net a
few days ago:  THIS SOFTWARE MAY NOT WORK!!! I have received a serious bug 
report from a respected user, who informs me that not only will this software
not squeeze/unsqueeze stuff compatibly with his (latest version) utilities, but
that usq crashes with a core dump in the attempt!  I might normally question the
circumstances, but in this situation I'm afraid I have to retract without

To those of you who sent me mail asking for a copy, I have to apologize for
this posting. I am trying to acquire a version that has been well-tested by
users on the net, so that it could be posted in place of my original, in the
hopes that nobody else gets stung.

It was not my intent to post a defective software package. In fact, I have been
using this package for several months (since December) on our VAX in conjunction
with a (different) package at home, with no trouble. I felt that, with this
amount of 'testing', it was working correctly, so there would be no problem in
posting it!
Bill (egg-on-my-face) Swan 	{ihnp4|decvax|...}!uw-beaver!tikal!persci!bill

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