Part 5 to Hack Version 1.0.2 needed

Mike Gin gin at spp2.UUCP
Thu May 9 16:19:26 AEST 1985

Thanks to those of you (about 8 or 9 people) who have sent me
Part 5 of HACK as I had requested.  I was really quite overwhelmed
by the response that I received to my request.  To those of you who
requested other parts of HACK from me, I'm sorry that it is taking
so long for me to get back to you.  After my midterm is over (Thursday
evening), things will be a little less hectic for me.

By the way, I didn't realize that there was a new newsgroup called
net.wanted.sources.  My request should have gone in that newsgroup
so I apologize for posting my request in this newsgroup.
                Mike Gin	TRW-DSG

		{ucbvax, decvax}!trwrb!trwspp!spp2!gin

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