
Elias Israel me%brandeis.csnet at
Fri May 10 09:30:15 AEST 1985

	This was about the most appropriate net that I could think of
	to make this request on, so here goes:

	I have been thinking about hacking together some applications
	for the Macintosh. Therefore, I need pointers to information concerning
	the following items:

		o	The Finder
		o	The O/S (interrupt management, memory mannagement ...)
		o	The hardware (what's really IN there?)

	Any help that any of you in net-land can offer will be heartily
	appreciated. Also, if anyone wants a summary of the information that
	I receive, send me mail and I'll be happy to comply. Anyone with
	information should mail it to me (literally, I guess :-) ) or you can
	post it to the net, if that's your fancy. 

	Thanx in advance,
	Elias Israel at Brandeis University.

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