Disclaimer: Kafka program posted to net recently

Michael Mauldin mlm at cmu-cs-cad.ARPA
Wed May 15 12:23:31 AEST 1985

Please note that the ``kafka'' program recently posted to net.sources
is not in any way related to my natural language generator (also called
Kafka; see COLING-84, Mauldin, "Semantic Rule Based Text Generation").
My program is written in Franz Lisp and generates English text by a
series of semantic transformational rules, starting from a case frame
or similar knowledge structure.  The recently posted program generates
a C program which generates random instantiations of a CFG.

I doubt that the author of the recent post intentionally usurped the
name.  Given that Franz Kafka wrote ``Metamophosis,'' it's a fairly
obvious name to pick for such software.  Of course, I think it's a
slightly more obvious name if the program is also written in Franz
Lisp, but who's to say.

Michael L. Mauldin (Fuzzy)		Department of Computer Science
Mauldin at CMU-CS-CAD.ARPA			Carnegie-Mellon University
(412) 578-3065				Pittsburgh, PA  15213

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