Beta test sites wanted

Edward C. Bennett edward at ukecc.UUCP
Thu Nov 7 12:52:32 AEST 1985

	I am looking for other System V sites to assist me in
adapting a program of mine to other SysV machines. It is a
System V version of the Berkeley 'talk' (two-way simultaneous
conversation) program. The only System V machines that we have locally
are a 3B20S and a bunch of 3B2s. I would like to make my program
immediately portable to as many machines as possible before I post
it publically so as to minimize the hassles of others.

	Anyone interested in helping me with the pre-posting porting
of my program is encouraged to contact me by E-mail. I would
appreciate it if you would specify the kind of machine you're on also.

Edward C. Bennett

UUCP: ihnp4!cbosgd!ukma!ukecc!edward

/* A charter member of the Scooter bunch */

"Goodnight M.A."

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