Sysline on a vt100

Leif Samuelsson leif at erisun.UUCP
Sat Nov 23 01:18:43 AEST 1985

Here is a csh script for running sysline on a vt100. It seems to
work with most programs, but it might interfere with editors
like GNUMACS. Put it in your .login, not .cshrc!

Leif Samuelsson

Ericsson Information Systems AB			..enea!erix!erisun!leif
Advanced Workstations Division
S-172 93  SUNDBYBERG				59 19 N / 17 57 E

----Cut here------
if ($term == vt100) then

# Call tset to get TERMCAP entry
    set noglob
    eval `tset -Q -s`

# Insert some new fields in the TERMCAP entry and remove padding on
# some capabilities. Sysline can't handle them.
    set noglob
    setenv TERMCAP `echo "$TERMCAP" | sed -e 's/:/:li#23:i2=\\E[1;23r\\E[23;1H:cl=50\\E[24;1H\\E[1J\\E[1;23r:hs:es:ts=\\E7\\E[24;%dH\\E[1K:fs=\\E8:/' -e 's/=2\\E/=\\E/g'`
    unset noglob

# We want current dir on status line
    alias cd 'cd \!*; echo $cwd > ~/.who'
    cd .

# Now start sysline
    sysline -q +30

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