As long as we are taliking about rmgrouping ...

0058 ccrdave at ucdavis.UUCP
Mon Nov 4 13:45:37 AEST 1985

> > From: stanly at unmvax.UUCP
> > I have a question... If I made a new version of hack 9001 and posted:
> >  Hay! I have a hack! send me mail if you want one.
> > I get 300 letters saying : "I want hack".  I then send out 300
> >  copies at ~600K for each one or 180Mg of data.  Thats about
> >  (at 1200 Baud) 16 days worth of phone time for my machine
> >  alone...
> If you want to provide software, you've either got to make the people
> who want the software pay for the service, or supply the service
> yourself.  Better your machine get tied up sending out mail requests
> than everyone else's machine getting tied up rnewsing your sources.
> You can encourage them to dial up your machine, give them the uucp
> password, and leave the sources in a public area.
How about swapping tapes for large items like hack?  If they send
you the tape and a return mailer, it isn't much more work for the
sender than e-mailing.  As I keep all sources on tape anyway, it's
the same amount for me.  I grant it costs a few buck$ for the
postage, but the phone bill may well be more.  I tried to send out
a chain reel that went from site to site, hopefully accumulating
new games as it went.  It got into troubles somewhere around the
fifth site it went to.  I would consider admistering a second
chain tape, containing standard collectables.

Those interested in reducing the e-mail problem AND providing
a games service should mail me, saying what they will do for
this project and what sources they will kick into the reel and
what sources they want.


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