As long as we are taliking about rmgrouping ...

Byron C. Howes bch at ecsvax.UUCP
Sun Nov 17 08:58:57 AEST 1985

In article <48 at utastro.UUCP> nather at utastro.UUCP (Ed Nather) writes:
>What postal service do you use that reads your mail, and tears it up if
>it is not "relevant"?

Since when is your mail being censored?  News is not mail.  I don't know
about other sites, but I already keep watch over news posted at ecsvax
to be sure it does not violate good taste or the more explicit proscriptions
of the law.  Fortunately I have only had to excercize the perogative of
killing an article once.  

In other words at least at some sites, news is already edited.  

                                              Byron Howes
					System Manager -- NCECS

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