As long as we are rmgrouping ...

Daniel M. Sunday dan at milo.UUCP
Fri Nov 1 06:57:58 AEST 1985

> > I propose that we remove net.sources and only allow the posting of
> > sources in mod.sources.* for the following reasons:
> There is certainly more good than bad, and net.sources is one of the
> best reasons for even participating in Usenet at all.
I concur.  Net.sources is one of the few useful newsgroups left.
Sharing code and algorithms is what its all about.  Maybe some people
think this net exists for net.jokes.  But it doesn't.  

I have little time to read any news on the net at all, and have finally,
after several years, reduced my consistent reading to net.sources.
All the rest is garbage.  

Let's rm all groups except net.sources.  This would probably improve the
quality of info on the net immensely.

						dan (sunday)

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