HOPE interpreter

Richard Artym rartym at cybavax.UUCP
Tue Nov 12 12:58:53 AEST 1985

In article <243 at cernvax.UUCP> david at cernvax.UUCP (david) writes:
>Does anyone have a public domain interpreter for HOPE ? Especially useful
>would be a version suitable for execution on a 4.2 UNIX VAX, but a MAC or
>IBM PC Xenix version would also be gladly accepted.

I too would be interested in a version running under BSD4.2, but if there
isn't one available, then a reference manual would do almost as nicely.
On the subject of HOPE, are there any non-trivial applications (:-) about?
Self-castigation: this ought to be in net.applic, not here. Blame piet, who
still isn't allowing this leading group in the wishlist to come in from USA.
> Rich Artym, Elec.Eng., Univ.College of Swansea, Swansea SA2 8PP, Wales, UK. <
>  UUCP : {UK}!ukc!reading!cybavax!rartym ; JANET : rartym at swxa/000060601800  <

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