about cmsg cancel

Geoff Kuenning geoff at desint.UUCP
Sun Nov 3 11:21:48 AEST 1985

In article <319 at Glacier.ARPA> reid at Glacier.UUCP (Brian Reid) writes:

>It seems only appropriate to say this in net.sources, which is obviously
>the wrong group. I have just run a series of tests of control messages
>and cancelling. A properly-formed control message will not show up in
>the newsgroup whose message it is cancelling. In other words, if you
>read a "cmsg cancel" message in net.sources, that means it didn't work.
>Properly-formed control messages get shunted to group "control".

Brian is right that a properly-formed control message should be invisible,
and we can be thankful the intruder made a formating error.  However, on
my machine (2.10.2 news with most patches), the damn things still seem to
cancel articles successfully.  At least, my investigations have shown
"cancelled" messages in my history file for some of these articles.

	Geoff Kuenning

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