rmgrouping net.sources.*

eli eli at vcvax1.UUCP
Wed Nov 6 01:40:25 AEST 1985

> >[To quote eli at vcvax1.UUCP (eli):]
> >> I propose that we remove net.sources and only allow the posting of
> >> sources in mod.sources.* for the following reasons:
> >
> >		[reasons were given]

Er, slight misunderstanding here. I did not say that net.sources* should go.
I was responding to a previous posting that said as much. I am against the
removal of the sources groups (mostly out of conservatism; I would rather
we talked about it first like we are now).

> Here is another agreement.  Not only do we spend considerable telephone
> times on the receipt of sources which are of either NO USE to us, or
> of NO INTEREST to anyone here, but the sources which we do take off the
> net, usually contain a high number of bugs and portability errors.
> Those in the moderated group which I've looked at were somewhat better.

I have been watching the arguments for a mod.sources* to replace a net.sources*
and I must admit that this seems like a much better idea. I think that alot of
the problems would be aleviated if a moderator could, say, refuse to post
*YET ANOTHER WAY TO PRINT FILES IN SWAHILI* (spelling?). The thing that we have
to make sure of, then, is that all sites that now receive and enjoy
net.sources* would be able to get mod.sources* (lets not leave anyone out
in the cold :-)

As far as bugs and portability errors, well perhaps a moderator could ditch
code that was obviously flawed, but if you get the code for free, who are
you to complain that its not perfect? (that last sentence is *not* a flame).
Even in "the industry" caveats abound concerning applications that just
don't do the job.

> -- 
> "The Software did it".
> --
> ++ Jim R Oldroyd
> ++ jr at inset.co.uk		(after Jan 1, 1986.  `jr at inset.UUCP' before...)
> ++ ..!mcvax!ukc!inset!jr


Elias Israel		VenturCom, Inc.
"you can laugh at my behaviour, but that'll never bother me.
 say the devil is my saviour, but I don't pay no heed" -- supertramp


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