
Ron Natalie <ron> ron at brl-sem.ARPA
Mon Nov 4 07:45:23 AEST 1985

> Consider the following situation:  An announcement about the availability of
> a new version of the source to (insert name of program you hate seeing the
> most) is posted to mod.sources.

MOD.SOURCES and NET.SOURCES are not for posting announcement about
availability of source.  It is for posting source.  This other shit
belongs in one of the related groups.

> I offer this as a practical argument for keeping net.sources.

Well, you're wrong.

> I'm reading the news, I
> can make a single keystroke, then type the name of a file and I have a copy
> of the source.  If I had to send mail to someone
> every time, it would be a bigger pain in the ass.

You can with mod.sources as well.  All mod groups do is put a shit-filter
on the input.  You don't have to mail to people to get the answer.


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