We are not "taliking" about rmgrouping

Rick Busdiecker rfb at h.cs.cmu.edu
Mon Nov 11 21:56:38 AEST 1985

and we probably shouldn't be "talking" about it either, at least not on

While the original post and a couple of followups might have been
appopriate (and then again they might not), it's certainly gotten to the
point where the discussion should be moved elsewhere.  There's a netnews set
aside for just this sort of discussion.  I believe its new.news or
net.news.groups or something like that (pardon my ignorance).

Yes, I know I can just hit 'n' when I see a message I don't want to read,
but there are guidelines which reasonable people are expected to follow when
using the net.  Let's try to be reasonable people.

 Rick Busdiecker                       ARPA:    rfb at h.cs.cmu.edu           
 Carnegie-Mellon University            UUCP:    ...!seismo!h.cs.cmu.edu!rfb 
 Mathematics Department                AT&T:    (412) 521-1459             
                                       USPS:    4145 Murray Ave. 15217     

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