As long as we are taliking about rmgrouping ...

Phil Ngai phil at amdcad.UUCP
Sat Nov 2 05:32:25 AEST 1985

In article <5647 at amdcad.UUCP> jimb at amdcad.UUCP (Jim Budler) writes:
>The problem with mod.anything has always been that the moderator
>'evaluates' the posting. 

That's not a problem, that's a feature.

>What happened to 'the free interchange of ideas'. 

Free interchange of garbage and flames is more like it. We're trying to
increase the ratio of ideas to garbage. I *love* mod.sources. Net.sources
is much less useful.

>Can't you gurus come
>up with a mechanism of control which does not depend on your placing
>people of your choice in a position of power to control the flow of 
>ideas and expressions to the rest of us out here?

You could always volunteer to become a moderator.
 The Miami Police Department's Vice Squad has an annual budget of $1.5M.
 Each episode of the TV show "Miami Vice" costs $1.6M.

 Phil Ngai +1 408 749-5720
 UUCP: {ucbvax,decwrl,ihnp4,allegra}!amdcad!phil
 ARPA: amdcad!phil at

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