request for SIDEKICK on Unix

Shannon Nelson nelsons at psu-cs.UUCP
Sat Nov 2 12:22:33 AEST 1985

> --
> On the IBM PC there is a very nifty program called Borland Sidekick.
> After loading it you can do all you normal work, until you get interupted
> and you need to do something like: lookup an address, fix a little file,
> ask for the current date etc. (different versions, with different
> features under different names exist). At this point you type a special
> key sequence and the sidekick takes control until you quit and then you
> are right back were you left off.
> My question: has anyone developed such a program for Unix machines, and
> if so could they post it to this news group?

Try C-shell's control-Z...

Shannon Nelson

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