Geneology Programs

R.D.Eager rde at ukc.UUCP
Sun Nov 3 23:13:40 AEST 1985

In this country I have a copy of a PC package (shareware) which is quite
reasonable  at  organising family trees etc. I got it thru the UK IBM PC
User Group but it originated in the U.S.

The address I have is:

     Melvin O. Duke
     P.O. Box 20836
     San Jose
     CA. 95160

The  programs  are  in  Microsoft  BASIC  and  quite  well  written. The
documentation on customisation is particularly good.
           Bob Eager

           rde at ukc.UUCP
           rde at ukc

           Phone: +44 227 66822 ext 7589

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