As long as we are taliking about rmgrouping ...

Greg Skinner gds at mit-eddie.UUCP
Sun Nov 3 03:36:08 AEST 1985

> From: stanly at unmvax.UUCP

> I have a question... If I made a new version of hack 9001 and posted:
>  Hay! I have a hack! send me mail if you want one.

> I get 300 letters saying : "I want hack".  I then send out 300
>  copies at ~600K for each one or 180Mg of data.  Thats about
>  (at 1200 Baud) 16 days worth of phone time for my machine
>  alone...

If you want to provide software, you've either got to make the people
who want the software pay for the service, or supply the service
yourself.  Better your machine get tied up sending out mail requests
than everyone else's machine getting tied up rnewsing your sources.
You can encourage them to dial up your machine, give them the uucp
password, and leave the sources in a public area.

> Golly...  I just made a new version of news.  100 people want it.
>  15 of them have paths that are through ihnp4.  Well... 15 sources of news
>  for a while in ihnp4's spool directory will not be that bad.

Well, there would probably be 15 sources of news in ihnp4's spool
directory anyway, because of ihnp4's news feeds.

I can accept the posting of certain articles to mod.sources.* which are
of potential benefit to the whole net, like the new news sources, but
some of the others, like hack sources, fixes to, fixes to
4.2bsd, etc. which the whole net doesn't have use for don't need to be
in mod.sources.*, they can be obtained in the fashion I described above.
It's like a jungle sometimes, it makes me wonder how I keep from goin' under.

Greg Skinner (gregbo)
{decvax!genrad, allegra, ihnp4}!mit-eddie!gds
gds at

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