Needed: Tek4114 or Tek 4115 emulator for SUN workstation

Cheryl Stewart cheryl at lasspvax.UUCP
Fri Nov 22 06:56:08 AEST 1985

The Geology Department at Cornell University NEEDS
a Tek 4114 or Tek 4115 emulator for a SUN workstation
Why?  You may well wonder.  They got a real fancy
geophysical data processing package for FREE which 
only can handle output to the Tek terminals.  They'd
really rather have a SUN, for obvious reasons...

Reply to:

Tom Hearn:     hearn%geology at

Bob Smalley:   smalley%geology at

Brian Isacks:  isacks%geology at


Cheryl Stewart            Systems Development    lasspvax!cheryl at
      	Center for Theory and Simulation in Science and Engineering
        265 Olin Hall      Cornell University    Ithaca, N.Y. 14853

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