This newsgroup

paul dormitzer dormitzer at h-sc1.UUCP
Thu Oct 31 19:24:13 AEST 1985

Might I suggest that a solution for some of the problems in this
newsgroup would be to not post anything but sources here?  It seems
to me that last year this group was pretty clean, and since I came
back to school at the end of the summer, it has been full of discussion.

A logical solution to the traffic problem in this group would be to post
SOURCES here, post BUGS and BUG FIXES to net.sources.bugs, and MAIL your
comments to the authors of programs rather than posting followup articles
to this group.  If net-wide discussion of programs posted here is deemed
necessary, said discussion should be placed in other newsgroups.  Perhaps
there should be a net.sources.d or some other such group.

Any comments from the administrators of the "backbone" sites?

		Paul Dormitzer

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