B tree code in C

Richard Hellier rlh at ukc.UUCP
Fri Oct 18 03:23:49 AEST 1985


In article <608 at hercules.UUCP> kevinf at hercules.UUCP (Kevin Fetterly) writes:
>I am looking for a commercial or university package of B or B+ support routines
>written in C.  If you know of a package please send mail.
Several people have asked for a B-tree package recently so here's a module
I wrote some while back to implement B-trees.  The code is lifted from
Wirth's "Algorithms+Data Structures=Programs" plus B.Kruse, "Data Structures
and Program Design".

I haven't made the module into a library source as the order of the B-tree
is controlled by a #define, for efficiciency.  If you just decided on a
particular type of tree, e.g. 2-3, you could easily make up a library.

The interface to the routines is via a DATUM typedef.  This structure contains
two fields, KEY and INFO, themselves typedefs.  The KEY is of course the key
you want to associate with the data in the INFO field.

In addition to defining your own flavour of these structures, you will need
to define:-

	*		A key comparison routine; A sample one
			is given as KeyCmp().

	*		A "null" datum -- that is, a value that
			can be distinguished from all "legal"

Anyway, good luck with the code -- let me know what changes you make.

#	This is a shell archive.
#	Remove everything above and including the cut line.
#	Then run the rest of the file through sh.
#-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----
# shar:	Shell Archiver
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	btree.c
# This archive created: Thu Oct 17 17:14:08 1985
cat << \SHAR_EOF > btree.c
#define STAND_ALONE		/* Zap the leading comment opener for testing */

* module name:
* function:
	Provide a library of routines for creating and manipulating
	B-Trees.  The "order" of the B-Tree is controlled by a manifest

	This module runs stand-alone with a dummy main program
	if the symbol STAND_ALONE is defined.
* interface routines:
	Insert(dtm, tree)	Insert DATUM dtm into B-tree "tree",
				returning a reference to the updated
	Delete(key, tree)	Remove the entry associated with "key"
				from the B-Tree.  Returns a reference
				to the updated tree.
	Search(key, tree)	Look for key "key" in B-tree "tree".
				Return a reference to the matching
				DATUM if found, else NULL.

	Apply(t, func)		Applies function "func" to every cell
				in the B-Tree -- uses an inorder
* libraries used:
* compile time parameters:
	cc -O -c btree.c
* history:
	Richard Hellier, University of Kent at Canterbury,
	working from "Algorithms+Data Structures = Programs"
	by N.Wirth -- also, "Data Structures and Program Design" by B.Kruse
	Pub. Prentice-Hall.


		 *	System-wide header files

#include <stdio.h>

		 *	Global structures and definitions

#define TRUE	1
#define FALSE	0

		 *	Declare the type of the KEY

typedef int	KEY;

		 *	... ditto for the INFO field

typedef int	INFO;

typedef struct {
	KEY	key;
	INFO	inf;

DATUM	NullDatum = {

		 *	This is the definition of
		 *	the nodes of the B-Tree

#define	M	2
typedef struct btnode {
	int			t_active;		/* # of active keys */
	DATUM			t_dat  [2 * M];		/* Keys  + Data */
	struct btnode		*t_ptr [2 * M + 1];	/* Subtree ptrs */

static BTREE		NewNode;

**  ERROR -- Print an error message
**	Write the error text to the
**	standard error stream.
**	Parameters:
**		fmt       --  Printf-style format string
**		arg[1-3]  --  Arguments as needed.
**	Returns:
**		None.


Error(fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3)
char	*fmt;{
	fprintf(stderr, fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3);

**  KEYCMP -- Compare two key values
**	Like "strcmp" but use key
**	values rather than strings.
**	Parameters:
**		key1  --  First key,
**		key2  --  Second key.
**	Returns:
**		-1 if key1 < key2;
**		0  if key1 = key2;
**		1  if key1 > key2;

KeyCmp(key1, key2)
KEY	key1,

	return key1 < key2 ? -1 : key1 == key2 ? 0 : 1;

**  SHOWDATUM -- Display a datum
**	Atomic routine used to display
**	the contents of a datum.
**	Parameters:
**		datum  --  Datum to print.
**	Returns:
**		None.

DATUM	dtm;{
	printf("%d ", dtm . key);

**  MKNODE -- Make a new B-tree node
**	Allocate storage for a new B-tree node
**	and copy in some pointers.
**	Parameters:
**		k1  --  First key value,
**		p0  --  First ptr,
**		p1  --  Second ptr.
**	Returns:
**		Reference to the new node.

MkNode(dtm, p0, p1)
DATUM	dtm;
	char	*malloc();

	t = (BTREE) malloc(sizeof(NODE));

	t -> t_ptr [0] = p0;
	t -> t_ptr [1] = p1;
	t -> t_dat [0] = dtm;
	t -> t_active  = 1;

	return t;
**  DISPOSE -- Dispose of a tree node
**	Return the storage occupied by the
**	tree node to the pool.
**	Parameters:
**		t  --  Ptr to the tree node.
**	Returns:
**		None.

	free((char *) t);

**  INSINNODE -- Add a key to a node
**	Add a key value into a
**	B-tree node.  Splitting of
**	nodes is handled elsewhere.
**	Parameters:
**		t   --  Ptr to the node,
**		key --  Key value to enter,
**		ptr --  Link to subordinate node.
**	Returns:
**		None.

InsInNode(t, d, ptr)
	int	i;

	for ( i = t -> t_active; i > 0 && KeyCmp(d . key, t -> t_dat [i-1] . key) < 0; i--) {
		t -> t_dat [i]     = t -> t_dat [i - 1];
		t -> t_ptr [i + 1] = t -> t_ptr [i];

	t -> t_active++;
	t -> t_dat [i]   = d;
	t -> t_ptr [i+1] = ptr;

**  INTERNALINSERT -- Key insert routine proper
**	The business end of the key insertion
**	routine.
**	Parameters:
**		key  --  Key to insert,
**		t    --  Tree to use.
**	Returns:
**		Value of the key inserted.

InternalInsert(dtm, t)
DATUM	dtm;
	int	i,
	DATUM	ins;
	BTREE	tmp;

	if (t == NULL) {
		NewNode = NULL;
		return dtm;
	} else {
		for (i = 0; i < t -> t_active && KeyCmp(t -> t_dat [i] . key, dtm . key) < 0; ++i)
			;		/* NULL BODY */
		if (i < t -> t_active && KeyCmp(dtm . key, t -> t_dat [i] . key) == 0)
			fprintf(stderr, "Already had it!\n");
		else {
			ins = InternalInsert(dtm, t -> t_ptr [i]);

			if (KeyCmp(ins . key, NullDatum . key) != 0)
				if (t -> t_active < 2 * M)
					InsInNode(t, ins, NewNode);
				else {
					if (i <= M) {
						tmp = MkNode(t -> t_dat [2 * M - 1], (BTREE) NULL, t -> t_ptr [2 * M]);
						t -> t_active--;
						InsInNode(t, ins, NewNode);
					} else
						tmp = MkNode(ins, (BTREE) NULL, NewNode);
					 *	Move keys and pointers ...

					for (j = M + 2; j <= 2 * M; ++j)
						InsInNode(tmp, t -> t_dat [j-1], t -> t_ptr [j]);

					t -> t_active = M;
					tmp -> t_ptr [0] = t -> t_ptr [M+1];
					NewNode = tmp;

					return t -> t_dat [M];
		return NullDatum;
**  INSERT -- Put a key into the B-tree
**	Enter the given key into the
**	B-tree.
**	Parameters:
**		key  --  Key value to enter.
**	Returns:
**		Reference to the new B-tree.

Insert(dtm, t)
DATUM	dtm;
	DATUM	ins;

	ins = InternalInsert(dtm, t);

	 *	Did the root grow ?

	return KeyCmp(ins . key, NullDatum . key) != 0 ? MkNode(ins, t, NewNode) : t;
**  DELETE -- Remove a key from a B-tree
**	Remove the data associated with a
**	given key from a B-tree.
**	Parameters:
**		key  --  Key to use,
**		t    --  B-tree to update.
**	Returns:
**		Reference to the updated B-tree.
**	Notes:
**		Real work is done by RealDelete() q.v.

static int	hadit = FALSE;

Delete(key, t)
KEY	key;
	BTREE	savet;

	RealDelete(key, t);

	if (!hadit) {
		Error("No such key\n");
		return NULL;
	} else if (t -> t_active == 0) {	/* Root is now empty */
		savet = t -> t_ptr [0];
		return savet;
	} else
		return t;

**  SEARCHNODE -- Find a key in a node
**	Look for a key in a single B-tree
**	node.
**	Parameters:
**		key  --  Key to look for,
**		t    --  Ptr to B-tree node.
**	Returns:
**		Index of matching key.

SearchNode(key, t)
KEY	key;
	int	i;

	if (KeyCmp(key, t -> t_dat [0] . key) < 0) {
		hadit = FALSE;
		return 0;
	} else {
		for (i = t -> t_active; KeyCmp(key, t -> t_dat [i-1] . key) < 0 && i > 1; --i)
			;		/* NULL BODY */
		hadit = (KeyCmp(key, t -> t_dat [i-1] . key) == 0);

		return i;
**  REALDELETE -- Remove a key from a tree
**	The business end of the Delete() function.
**	Parameters:
**		key  --  Key to use,
**		t    --  Tree to update.
**	Returns:
**		None.

RealDelete(key, t)
KEY	key;
	int	k;

	if (t == NULL)
		hadit = FALSE;
	else {
		k = SearchNode(key, t);

		if (hadit) {
			if (t -> t_ptr [k-1] == NULL)		/* A leaf */
				Remove(t, k);
			else {
				Succ(t, k);
				RealDelete(t -> t_dat [k-1] . key, t -> t_ptr [k]);
				if (!hadit)
					Error("Hmm ???");
		} else {
			RealDelete(key, t -> t_ptr [k]);

			if (t -> t_ptr [k] != NULL && t -> t_ptr [k] -> t_active < M)
				Restore(t, k);

**  REMOVE -- Remove a single datum
**	Remove a datum from a B-tree node
**	by shuffling down the pointers and
**	data above it.
**	Parameters:
**		t   --  Ptr to the B-tree node,
**		pos --  Index of the key to be removed.
**	Returns:
**		None.

Remove(t, pos)
int	pos;{
	int	i;

	for (i = pos + 1; i <= t -> t_active; ++i) {
		t -> t_dat [i-2] = t -> t_dat [i-1];
		t -> t_ptr [i-1] = t -> t_ptr [i];
	t -> t_active--;

**  SUCC -- Replace a key by its successor
**	Using the natural ordering, replace
**	a key with its successor.
**	Parameters:
**		t   --  Ptr to a B-tree node,
**		pos --  Index of the key to be succ'ed.
**	Returns:
**		None.
**	Notes:
**		This routine relies on the fact
**		that if the key to be deleted is
**		not in a leaf node, then its
**		immediate successor will be.

Succ(t, pos)
int	pos;{
	BTREE	tsucc;

	 *	Using the branch *above* the key
	 *	chain down to leftmost node below
	 *	it.

	for (tsucc = t -> t_ptr [pos]; tsucc -> t_ptr [0] != NULL; tsucc = tsucc -> t_ptr [0])
		;		/* NULL BODY */

	t -> t_dat [pos-1] = tsucc -> t_dat [0];
**  RESTORE -- Restore balance to a B-tree
**	After removing an item from a B-tree
**	we must restore the balance.
**	Parameters:
**		t   --  Ptr to the B-tree node,
**		pos --  Index of the out-of-balance point.
**	Returns:
**		None.

Restore(t, pos)
int	pos;{
	if (pos > 0) {
		if (t -> t_ptr [pos - 1] -> t_active > M)
			MoveRight(t, pos);
			Combine(t, pos);
	} else {
		if (t -> t_ptr [1] -> t_active > M)
			MoveLeft(t, 1);
			Combine(t, 1);

**  MOVERIGHT -- Shuffle keys up
**	Make room for a key in a B-tree
**	node.
**	Parameters:
**		t   --  Ptr to the B-tree node,
**		pos --  Index of the first key
**			to be moved.
**	Returns:
**		None.

MoveRight(t, pos)
int	pos;{
	int	i;
	BTREE	tpos;

	tpos = t -> t_ptr [pos];

	for (i = tpos -> t_active; i >= 1; i--) {
		tpos -> t_dat [i]   = tpos -> t_dat [i-1];
		tpos -> t_ptr [i+1] = tpos -> t_ptr [i];

	tpos -> t_ptr [1] = tpos -> t_ptr [0];
	tpos -> t_active++;
	tpos -> t_dat [0] = t -> t_dat [pos-1];

	tpos = t -> t_ptr [pos-1];

	t -> t_dat [pos-1]            = tpos -> t_dat [tpos -> t_active-1];
	t -> t_ptr [pos] -> t_ptr [0] = tpos -> t_ptr [tpos -> t_active];
	tpos -> t_active--;
**  MOVELEFT -- Shuffle keys down
**	Shuffle keys down after a removal
**	from a B-tree node.
**	Parameters:
**		t   --  Ptr to the B-tree node,
**		pos --  Index of the first key
**			to be moved.
**	Returns:
**		None.

MoveLeft(t, pos)
int	pos;{
	int	i;
	BTREE	tpos;

	tpos = t -> t_ptr [pos-1];

	tpos -> t_active++;
	tpos -> t_dat [tpos -> t_active-1] = t -> t_dat [pos-1];
	tpos -> t_ptr [tpos -> t_active]   = t -> t_ptr [pos] -> t_ptr [0];

	tpos = t -> t_ptr [pos];

	t -> t_dat [pos-1]  = tpos -> t_dat [0];
	tpos -> t_ptr [0]   = tpos -> t_ptr [1];
	tpos -> t_active--;

	for (i = 1; i <= tpos -> t_active; ++i) {
		tpos -> t_dat [i-1] = tpos -> t_dat [i];
		tpos -> t_ptr [i]   = tpos -> t_ptr [i+1];
**  COMBINE -- Combine two nodes.
**	Coalesce two nodes of a
**	B-tree when they have too few nodes.
**	Parameters:
**		t   --  Ptr to B-tree node,
**		pos --  Index of the split point.
**	Returns:
**		None.

Combine(t, k)
int	k;{
	int	i;

	p = t -> t_ptr [k-1];
	q = t -> t_ptr [k];

	p -> t_active++;
	p -> t_dat [p -> t_active-1] = t -> t_dat [k-1];
	p -> t_ptr [p -> t_active]   = q -> t_ptr [0];

	for (i = 1; i <= q -> t_active; ++i) {
		p -> t_active++;
		p -> t_dat [p -> t_active-1] = q -> t_dat [i-1];
		p -> t_ptr [p -> t_active]   = q -> t_ptr [i];

	for (i = k; i <= t -> t_active - 1; ++i) {
		t -> t_dat [i-1] = t -> t_dat [i];
		t -> t_ptr [i]   = t -> t_ptr [i+1];
	t -> t_active--;


**  SEARCH -- Fetch a key from a tree
**	Look for a key in a tree.
**	Parameters:
**		key  --  Key value to look for,
**		t    --  Tree to look in.
**	Returns:
**		None.

Search(key, t)
KEY	key;
	int	i;

	while (t != NULL) {
		for (i = 0; i < t -> t_active && KeyCmp(t -> t_dat [i] . key, key) < 0; ++i)
			;		/* NULL BODY */

		if (i < t -> t_active && KeyCmp(key, t -> t_dat [i] . key) == 0) {
			/* FOUND IT */
			return &t -> t_dat [i];
		t = t -> t_ptr [i];
	return NULL;
**  SHOWTREE -- Display a tree
**	Print the contents of
**	a tree, showing the level
**	of each node.
**	Parameters:
**		t     --  Tree to print,
**		level --  Depth in tree.
**	Returns:
**		None.

ShowTree(t, level)
int	level;{
	int	i;

	if (t != NULL) {
		for (i = 0; i < level; ++i)
			putchar(' ');
		for (i = 0; i < t -> t_active; ++i)
			ShowDatum(t -> t_dat [i]);
		for (i = 0; i <= t -> t_active; ++i)
			ShowTree(t -> t_ptr [i], 1 + level);

**  APPLY -- Apply a function to a b-tree
**	Traverse a B-tree, applying the function
**	to each key we find.
**	Parameters:
**		t    --  The tree to display,
**		func --  The function to apply.
**	Returns:
**		None.

Apply(t, func)
int	(*func)();{
	int	i;

	if (t != NULL) {
		for (i = 0; i < t -> t_active; ++i) {
			Apply(t -> t_ptr [i], func);
			(*func) (t -> t_dat [i]);
		Apply(t -> t_ptr [t -> t_active], func);
	KEY	k;
	char	buf [BUFSIZ];

	t = NULL;

	printf("Command: "); fflush(stdout);
	while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, stdin) != NULL) {
		buf [strlen(buf) - 1] = '\0';

		 *	Get the command

		switch (buf [0]) {
			default:		/* Error case */
				fprintf(stderr, "I, D, L, P or S please!\n");

			case '0':
			case '1':
			case '2':
			case '3':
			case '4':
			case '5':
			case '6':
			case '7':
			case '8':
			case '9':
				sscanf(buf, "%d", &d . key);
				t = Insert(d, t);

			case 'S':		/* Set up default tree */
				t = NULL;
				d . key = 20;
				t = Insert(d, t);
				d . key = 10;
				t = Insert(d, t);
				d . key = 15;
				t = Insert(d, t);
				d . key = 30;
				t = Insert(d, t);
				d . key = 40;
				t = Insert(d, t);
				d . key = 7;
				t = Insert(d, t);
				d . key = 18;
				t = Insert(d, t);
				d . key = 22;
				t = Insert(d, t);
				d . key = 26;
				t = Insert(d, t);
				d . key = 5;
				t = Insert(d, t);
				d . key = 35;
				t = Insert(d, t);
				d . key = 13;
				t = Insert(d, t);
				d . key = 27;
				t = Insert(d, t);
				d . key = 32;
				t = Insert(d, t);
				d . key = 42;
				t = Insert(d, t);
				d . key = 46;
				t = Insert(d, t);
				d . key = 24;
				t = Insert(d, t);
				d . key = 45;
				t = Insert(d, t);
				d . key = 25;
				t = Insert(d, t);
				ShowTree(t, 0);

			case 'I':		/* Insert a key */
				sscanf(buf+1, "%d", &d . key);
				t = Insert(d, t);

			case 'D':		/* Delete a key */
				sscanf(buf+1, "%d", &d . key);
				oldt = t;
				t = Delete(d . key, t);
				if (t == NULL)
					t = oldt;

			case 'L':		/* Lookup a key */
				sscanf(buf+1, "%d", &d . key);
				dp = Search(d . key, t);
					dp != NULL ? "Found it" : "No such key");

			case 'P':		/* Show the tree */
				ShowTree(t, 0);
		printf("Command: "); fflush(stdout);
	Apply(t, ShowDatum);
#	End of shell archive
exit 0
				Richard Hellier

				rlh at ukc.UUCP

			Phone:  +44 227 66822 xtn 7568

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