Terminal Locking Program (more)

Mikel Manitius mikel at codas.UUCP
Sun Oct 6 07:39:09 AEST 1985

Forgot one more thing (since I get to work with System V (ugh)),
in the source for the locking program I posted, if you are running
a BSD system (or anything else with job control) you should add
a signal trap to ignore the signal SIGTSTP which is a keyboard
stop signal (^Z).

     Mikel Manitius                   ==----=====    AT&T
     (305) 869-2462 RNX: 755         ==------=====   Information Systems 
     ...{akguc|ihnp4}!codas!mikel    ===----======   SDSS Regional Support
     ...attmail!mmanitius             ===========    Altamonte Springs, FL
     My opinions are my own.            =======

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