WRITEAID Ordering Info (Cost only-honest!) (Part 3)

Art Winterbauer awinterb at udenva.UUCP
Fri Oct 18 12:20:37 AEST 1985

Looks like WRITEAID is ready to ship on tape.  Here's what you do if you'd
still want a copy:

 1. Remember that WRITEAID has only been demonstrated to work on a
    VAX750 running Unix 4.2bsd and another one running Ultrix.  I don't
    know if it will work in other environments.

 2. Send a check for $75 to the following address:

           Greg Wright
           Computing Services
 	   University of Denver
           Denver, CO  80208

    Please make check (no PO's) payable to "University of Denver."  
    The money covers
    the cost for the tech who downloads the files to tape, the secretary
    who packages the tape, and the cost of shipping.  And don't forget to
    include your mailing address and building name (for UPS-type delivery).

 3. You will receive instructions with the tape that will tell the site
    administrator how to install the programs on your machine.

 4. If you have troubles with installation, call:

           Greg Wright
           (303) 871-2124

    If you have troubles with operating WRITEAID once it's installed, call:

           Art Winterbauer (that's me)
           (303) 871-2412

 5. The $75 is NOT refundable, because our accounting system would choke.  So
    this is a gamble on your part.

 6. WRITEAID comes with some "default" files for operation, so students can
    begin using it immediately, and you can create more files for WRITEAID
    to use in its "discussions" with students as time goes on.

 7. You'll need about 1/2 megabytes of disk space.

 8. Report back to me of your progress.

"What are all these toads doing so far from the marsh?"

        Art Winterbauer  ucbvax!nbires-----------\
        DRI/Elect.       seismo!hao---------------\
        PO Box 10127     cires---------------------\
        Univ. of Denver  boulder--------------------\---> !udenva!awinterb
        Denver, CO  80210  (303)-871-2412

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