Software Tools in Pascal 2/8

jp at lanl.ARPA jp at lanl.ARPA
Sun Oct 6 14:57:34 AEST 1985

	Copyright (c) 1981
	By:	Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
		Whitesmiths, Ltd.,

	This software is derived from the book
		"Software Tools In Pascal", by
		Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
		Addison-Wesley, 1981
		ISBN 0-201-10342-7

	Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
	software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
	or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains 
{ AddStr -- put c in outSet[j] if it fits, increment j }
segment AddStr;
%include swtools
function Addstr;
    if (j > maxSet) then
        AddStr := false
    else begin
        outSet[j] := c;
        j := j + 1;
        AddStr := true
	Copyright (c) 1981
	By:	Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
		Whitesmiths, Ltd.,

	This software is derived from the book
		"Software Tools In Pascal", by
		Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
		Addison-Wesley, 1981
		ISBN 0-201-10342-7

	Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
	software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
	or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains 
{ AMatch -- look for match of pat[i]... at lin[offset]... }
segment AMatch;
%include swtools
%include patdef
%include matchdef
%include metadef
function RAMatch (var lin: StringType; offset: Integer;
        var pat: StringType; j: Integer): Integer;
function AMatch;
    k: Integer;
    metaStackPointer := 1;
    metaIndex := 1;
    metaTable := nullMetaTable;
    metaTable[0].first := offset;
    k := RAMatch(lin, offset, pat, j);
    metaTable[0].last := k;
    AMatch := k;
{ RAMatch -- new AMatch with metas }
function RAMatch;
    i, k: Integer;
    metaStackTemp: Integer;
    done: Boolean;
    done := false;
    while (not done) and (pat[j] <> ENDSTR) do
        if (pat[j] = CLOSURE) then begin
            metaStackTemp := metaStackPointer;
            j := j + PatSize(pat, j);
            i := offset;
            {match as many as possible }
            while (not done) and (lin[i] <> ENDSTR) do
                if (not OMatch(lin, i, pat, j)) then begin
                    metaStackPointer := metaStackTemp;
                    done := true;
                    metaStackTemp := metaStackPointer;
            { i points to input character that made us fail }
            { match rest of pattern against rest of input }
            { shrink closure by 1 after each failure }
            done := false;
            while (not done) and (i >= offset) do begin
                metaStackTemp := metaStackPointer;
                k := RAMatch(lin, i, pat, j+PatSize(pat, j));
                if (k > 0) then { matched rest of pattern}
                    done := true
                else begin
                    metaStackPointer := metaStackTemp;
                    i := i - 1
            offset := k;  { if k = 0 failure, else success }
            done := true
        else if (not OMatch(lin, offset, pat, j)) then begin
            offset := 0;
            done := true
        else  { OMatch succeeded on this pattern element }
            j := j + PatSize(pat, j);
    RAMatch := offset
	Copyright (c) 1981
	By:	Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
		Whitesmiths, Ltd.,

	This software is derived from the book
		"Software Tools In Pascal", by
		Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
		Addison-Wesley, 1981
		ISBN 0-201-10342-7

	Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
	software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
	or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains 
{ Append -- append lines after "line" }
segment Append;
%include swtools
%include editcons
%include edittype
%include editproc
%include editref
function Append;
    inLine: StringType;
    stat: STCode;
    done: Boolean;
    if (glob) then
        stat := ERR
    else begin
        curLn := line;
        stat := OK;
        done := false;
        while (not done) and (stat = OK) do
            if (not GetLine(inLine, STDIN, MAXSTR)) then
                stat := ENDDATA
            else if (inLine[1] = PERIOD) and
              (inLine[2] = NEWLINE) then
                done := true
            else if (PutTxt(inLine) = ERR) then
                stat := ERR
    Append := stat
	Copyright (c) 1981
	By:	Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
		Whitesmiths, Ltd.,

	This software is derived from the book
		"Software Tools In Pascal", by
		Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
		Addison-Wesley, 1981
		ISBN 0-201-10342-7

	Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
	software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
	or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains 
{ CatSub -- add replacement text to end of new }
segment CatSub;
%include swtools
%include subdef
%include metadef
procedure CatSub;
    i,j: Integer;
    junk: Boolean;
    l: Integer;
    i := 1;
    while (sub[i] <> ENDSTR) do begin
        if (sub[i] = DITTO) then begin
            l := Ord(sub[i+1]);
            if (l in [0..9]) then begin
                for j := metaTable[l].first to metaTable[l].last -1 do
                    junk := AddStr(lin[j], new, k, maxNew);
                i := i + 1
                for j := s1 to s2-1 do
                   junk := AddStr(lin[j], new, k, maxNew)
            junk := AddStr(sub[i], new, k, maxNew);
        i := i + 1
	Copyright (c) 1982
	By:	Chris Lewis

	Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
	software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
	or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains 
{ CharClass -- definition of character table }
segment CharClass;
%include swtools
%include chardef
    CharTable := ChTable(
    [] { 00 }, [] { 01 }, [] { 02 }, [] { 03 },
    [] { 04 }, [] { 05 }, [] { 06 }, [] { 07 },
    [] { 08 }, [] { 09 }, [] { 0a }, [] { 0b },
    [] { 0c }, [] { 0d }, [] { 0e }, [] { 0f },
    [] { 10 }, [] { 11 }, [] { 12 }, [] { 13 },
    [] { 14 }, [] { 15 }, [] { 16 }, [] { 17 },
    [] { 18 }, [] { 19 }, [] { 1a }, [] { 1b },
    [] { 1c }, [] { 1d }, [] { 1e }, [] { 1f },
    [] { 20 }, [] { 21 }, [] { 22 }, [] { 23 },
    [] { 24 }, [] { 25 }, [] { 26 }, [] { 27 },
    [] { 28 }, [] { 29 }, [] { 2a }, [] { 2b },
    [] { 2c }, [] { 2d }, [] { 2e }, [] { 2f },
    [] { 30 }, [] { 31 }, [] { 32 }, [] { 33 },
    [] { 34 }, [] { 35 }, [] { 36 }, [] { 37 },
    [] { 38 }, [] { 39 }, [] { 3a }, [] { 3b },
    [] { 3c }, [] { 3d }, [] { 3e }, [] { 3f },
    [ChSpecial] { 40 },
               [] { 41 }, [] { 42 }, [] { 43 },
    [] { 44 }, [] { 45 }, [] { 46 }, [] { 47 },
    [] { 48 }, [] { 49 },
    [ChSpecial] { 4a },     [ChSpecial] { 4b },
    [ChSpecial] { 4c },     [ChSpecial] { 4d },
    [ChSpecial] { 4e },     [ChSpecial] { 4f },
    [ChSpecial] { 50 },
               [] { 51 }, [] { 52 }, [] { 53 },
    [] { 54 }, [] { 55 }, [] { 56 }, [] { 57 },
    [] { 58 }, [] { 59 },
    [ChSpecial] { 5a },     [ChSpecial] { 5b },
    [ChSpecial] { 5c },     [ChSpecial] { 5d },
    [ChSpecial] { 5e },     [ChSpecial] { 5f },
    [ChSpecial] { 60 },     [ChSpecial] { 61 },
                          [] { 62 }, [] { 63 },
    [] { 64 }, [] { 65 }, [] { 66 }, [] { 67 },
    [] { 68 }, [] { 69 }, [] { 6a },
                            [ChSpecial] { 6b },
    [ChSpecial] { 6c },     [ChSpecial] { 6d },
    [ChSpecial] { 6e },     [ChSpecial] { 6f },
    [] { 70 }, [] { 71 }, [] { 72 }, [] { 73 },
    [] { 74 }, [] { 75 }, [] { 76 }, [] { 77 },
    [] { 78 }, [] { 79 },
    [ChSpecial] { 7a },     [ChSpecial] { 7b },
    [ChSpecial] { 7c },     [ChSpecial] { 7d },
    [ChSpecial] { 7e },     [ChSpecial] { 7f },
    [] { 80 },
                               [ChLetter,ChLower] { 81 },
    [ChLetter,ChLower] { 82 }, [ChLetter,ChLower] { 83 },
    [ChLetter,ChLower] { 84 }, [ChLetter,ChLower] { 85 },
    [ChLetter,ChLower] { 86 }, [ChLetter,ChLower] { 87 },
    [ChLetter,ChLower] { 88 }, [ChLetter,ChLower] { 89 },
                          [] { 8a },
                            [ChSpecial] { 8b },
    [] { 8c }, [] { 8d }, [] { 8e }, [] { 8f },
    [] { 90 },
                               [ChLetter,ChLower] { 91 },
    [ChLetter,ChLower] { 92 }, [ChLetter,ChLower] { 93 },
    [ChLetter,ChLower] { 94 }, [ChLetter,ChLower] { 95 },
    [ChLetter,ChLower] { 96 }, [ChLetter,ChLower] { 97 },
    [ChLetter,ChLower] { 98 }, [ChLetter,ChLower] { 99 },
                          [] { 9a },
                            [ChSpecial] { 9b },
    [] { 9c }, [] { 9d }, [] { 9e }, [] { 9f },
    [] { a0 }, [] { a1 },
    [ChLetter,ChLower] { a2 }, [ChLetter,ChLower] { a3 },
    [ChLetter,ChLower] { a4 }, [ChLetter,ChLower] { a5 },
    [ChLetter,ChLower] { a6 }, [ChLetter,ChLower] { a7 },
    [ChLetter,ChLower] { a8 }, [ChLetter,ChLower] { a9 },
                          [] { aa }, [] { ab },
    [] { ac },
                            [ChSpecial] { ad },
                          [] { ae }, [] { af },
    [] { b0 }, [] { b1 }, [] { b2 }, [] { b3 },
    [] { b4 }, [] { b5 }, [] { b6 }, [] { b7 },
    [] { b8 }, [] { b9 }, [] { ba }, [] { bb },
    [] { bc },
                            [ChSpecial] { bd },
                          [] { be }, [] { bf },
    [] { c0 },
                               [ChLetter,ChUpper] { c1 },
    [ChLetter,ChUpper] { c2 }, [ChLetter,ChUpper] { c3 },
    [ChLetter,ChUpper] { c4 }, [ChLetter,ChUpper] { c5 },
    [ChLetter,ChUpper] { c6 }, [ChLetter,ChUpper] { c7 },
    [ChLetter,ChUpper] { c8 }, [ChLetter,ChUpper] { c9 },
                          [] { ca }, [] { cb },
    [] { cc }, [] { cd }, [] { ce }, [] { cf },
    [] { d0 },
                               [ChLetter,ChUpper] { d1 },
    [ChLetter,ChUpper] { d2 }, [ChLetter,ChUpper] { d3 },
    [ChLetter,ChUpper] { d4 }, [ChLetter,ChUpper] { d5 },
    [ChLetter,ChUpper] { d6 }, [ChLetter,ChUpper] { d7 },
    [ChLetter,ChUpper] { d8 }, [ChLetter,ChUpper] { d9 },
                          [] { da }, [] { db },
    [] { dc }, [] { dd }, [] { de }, [] { df },
    [] { e0 }, [] { e1 },
    [ChLetter,ChUpper] { e2 }, [ChLetter,ChUpper] { e3 },
    [ChLetter,ChUpper] { e4 }, [ChLetter,ChUpper] { e5 },
    [ChLetter,ChUpper] { e6 }, [ChLetter,ChUpper] { e7 },
    [ChLetter,ChUpper] { e8 }, [ChLetter,ChUpper] { e9 },
                          [] { ea }, [] { eb },
    [] { ec }, [] { ed }, [] { ee }, [] { ef },
    [ChDigit] { f0 },         [ChDigit] { f1 },
    [ChDigit] { f2 },         [ChDigit] { f3 },
    [ChDigit] { f4 },         [ChDigit] { f5 },
    [ChDigit] { f6 },         [ChDigit] { f7 },
    [ChDigit] { f8 },         [ChDigit] { f9 },
                          [] { fa }, [] { fb },
    [] { fc }, [] { fd }, [] { fe }, [] { ff }
function CharClass;
    CharClass := CharTable[Ord(tIndex)]
	Copyright (c) 1981
	By:	Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
		Whitesmiths, Ltd.,

	This software is derived from the book
		"Software Tools In Pascal", by
		Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
		Addison-Wesley, 1981
		ISBN 0-201-10342-7

	Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
	software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
	or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains 
{ CkGlob -- if global prefix, mark lines to be affected }
segment CkGlob;
%include swtools
%include editcons
%include edittype
%include editproc
%include editref
%include matchdef
function CkGlob;
    n: Integer;
    gFlag: Boolean;
    temp: StringType;
    if (lin[i] <> GCMD) and (lin[i] <> XCMD) then
        status := ENDDATA
    else begin
        gFlag := (lin[i] = GCMD);
        i := i + 1;
        if (OptPat(lin, i) = ERR) then
            status := ERR
        else if (Default(1, lastLn, status) <> ERR) then begin
            i := i + 1;   { mark affected lines }
            for n := line1 to line2 do begin
                GetTxt(n, temp);
                PutMark(n, (Match(temp, pat) = gFlag))
            for n := 1 to line1-1 do { erase other marks }
                PutMark(n, false);
            for n := line2+1 to lastLn do
                PutMark(n, false);
            status := OK
    CkGlob := status
	Copyright (c) 1981
	By:	Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
		Whitesmiths, Ltd.,

	This software is derived from the book
		"Software Tools In Pascal", by
		Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
		Addison-Wesley, 1981
		ISBN 0-201-10342-7

	Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
	software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
	or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains 
{ CkP -- check for "p" after command }
segment CkP;
%include swtools
%include editcons
%include edittype
%include editproc
%include editref
function CkP;
    SkipBl(lin, i);
    if (lin[i] = PCMD) then begin
        i := i + 1;
        pFlag := true
        pFlag := false;
    if (lin[i] = NEWLINE) then
        status := OK
        status := ERR;
    CkP := status
	Copyright (c) 1981
	By:	Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
		Whitesmiths, Ltd.,

	This software is derived from the book
		"Software Tools In Pascal", by
		Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
		Addison-Wesley, 1981
		ISBN 0-201-10342-7

	Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
	software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
	or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains 
{ CSCopy -- copy cb[i]... to string s }
segment CSCopy;
%include swtools
%include defdef
%include defref
%include defproc
procedure CSCopy;
    j: Integer;
    j := 1;
    while (cb[i] <> ENDSTR) do begin
        s[j] := cb[i];
        i := i + 1;
        j := j + 1
    s[j] := ENDSTR
	Copyright (c) 1981
	By:	Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
		Whitesmiths, Ltd.,

	This software is derived from the book
		"Software Tools In Pascal", by
		Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
		Addison-Wesley, 1981
		ISBN 0-201-10342-7

	Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
	software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
	or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains 
{ CToI -- convert string at s[i] to integer, increment i }
segment ctoi;
%include swtools
function CToI;
    n, sign: Integer;
    while (s[i] = BLANK) or (s[i] = TAB) do
        i := i + 1;
    if (s[i] = MINUS) then
        sign := -1
        sign := 1;
    if (s[i] = MINUS) or (s[i] = PLUS) then
        i := i + 1;
    n := 0;
    while(IsDigit(s[i])) do begin
        n := 10 * n + Ord(s[i]) - Ord(DIG0);
        i := i + 1;
    CToI := sign * n;
	Copyright (c) 1982
	By:	Chris Lewis

	Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
	software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
	or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains 
{ CvtSST -- assign pascalvs string to StringType }
segment CvtSST;
%include swtools
procedure CvtSST;
    i: 1..MAXSTR;
    for i := 1 to Length(src) do
        dest[i] := src[i];
    dest[Length(src) + 1] := ENDSTR;
	Copyright (c) 1982
	By:	Chris Lewis

	Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
	software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
	or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains 
{ CvtStS -- convert swtools StringType to Pascalvs String }
segment cvtsts;
%include swtools
procedure cvtsts;
    WriteStr(dest, src:StrLength(src));
	Copyright (c) 1981
	By:	Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. and
		Whitesmiths, Ltd.,

	This software is derived from the book
		"Software Tools In Pascal", by
		Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger
		Addison-Wesley, 1981
		ISBN 0-201-10342-7

	Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
	software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
	or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains 
{ Default -- set Defaulted line numbers }
segment Default;
%include swtools
%include editcons
%include edittype
%include editproc
%include editref
function Default;
    if (nLines = 0) then begin
        line1 := def1;
        line2 := def2
    if (line1 > line2) or (line1 <= 0) then
        status := ERR
       status := OK;
    Default := status

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