More Benchmarks

kenyon at nmtvax.UUCP kenyon at nmtvax.UUCP
Thu Oct 24 00:22:25 AEST 1985

This is where the stuff came out.  I'll give it back.

 * --------------------------	------------	-----------	---------------
 * IBM PC/XT	8088-4.77Mhz	VENIX/86 2.0	cc		 297	 324
 * Cosmos	68000-8Mhz	UniSoft		cc		 305	 322
 * IBM PC/XT	8086-4.54Mhz	PCDOS 3.1	Lattice 2.15	 373	  -  @
 * IBM PC/XT	8088-4.77Mhz	PCDOS 2.1	Lattice 2.15	 403	  -  @
 * ATT PC6300	8086-8Mhz	MSDOS 2.11	b16cc 2.0	 632	 684
 * Macintosh	68000-7.7Mhz	-		MegaMax C 2.0	 661	 709
 * IBM PC/AT	80286-6Mhz	PCDOS 3.0	CI-C86 2.1	 666	 684
 * Macintosh	68000-7.8Mhz 2M	Mac Rom		Mac C 32 bit int 694	 704
 * IBM PC/XT	8086-9.54Mhz	PCDOS 3.1	Microsoft 3.0	 724	 781
 * ATT 3B2/300	MAC32-?Mhz	UNIX 5.0.2	cc		 735	 806
 * NEC PC9801F	8086-8Mhz	PCDOS 2.11	Lattice 2.15	 768	  -  @
 * ATT PC6300	8086-8Mhz	MSDOS 2.11	CI-C86 2.20M	 769	 769
 * Fast Mac	68000-7.7Mhz	-		MegaMax C 2.0	 839	 904 +
 * VAX 11/750	-		Unix 4.2bsd	cc		 862	 877
 * Macintosh	68000-7.8Mhz 2M	Mac Rom		Mac C 16 bit int 877	 909
 * IBM PC/XT	8086-9.54Mhz	PCDOS 3.1	Microsoft 3.0	 724	 781
 * IBM PC/XT	8086-9.54Mhz	PCDOS 3.1	Wizard 2.1	 877	 980
 * IBM PC/XT	8086-9.54Mhz	PCDOS 3.1	Wizard 2.1	 877	 980
 * VAX 11/750	-		VMS		VAX-11 C 2.0	 958	1091
 * IBM PC/AT	80286-6Mhz	VENIX/86 2.1	cc		 961	1000
 * IBM PC/XT	8086-9.54Mhz	PCDOS 3.1	Lattice 2.15	 980	  -  @
 * ATT PC7300	68010-10Mhz	UNIX 5.2	cc		1041	1111
 * IBM PC/AT	80286-6Mhz	PCDOS 3.1	Microsoft 3.0	1063	1086
 * Sun2/120	68010-10Mhz	Sun 4.2BSD	cc		1136	1219
 * PDP 11/70	-		UNIX 5.2	cc		1162	1250
 * IBM PC/AT	80286-7.5Mhz	VENIX/86 2.1	cc		1190	1315 *
 * IBM PC/AT	80286-6Mhz	PCDOS 3.1	Lattice 2.15	1250	  -  @
 * VAX 11/780	-		UNIX 5.2	cc		1515	1562
 * ATT 3B20	-		UNIX 5.2	cc		1515	1724
 * uVAX-II	-		?		?		1574	1582
 * Gould PN6005	-		UTX 1.1(4.2BSD)	cc		1675	1964
 * HP9000-500   B series CPU    HP-UX 4.02      cc		1724      -
>* DEC2060	KL-10	TOPS-20		cc(&)	2000	----
 * Pyramid 90x  -		OSx 2.5		cc		3125    3125
 * SUN 3/75	68020-16.67Mhz	SUN 4.2 V3	cc		3333	3571
 * Amdahl 580	-		UTS 5.0 Rel 1.2	cc Ver. 1.5    23076   23076
 *   * 15Mhz crystal substituted for original 12Mhz;
 *   @ vanilla Lattice compiler used with MicroPro standard library
 *   + This Macintosh was upgraded from 128K to 512K in such a way that
 *     the new 384K of memory is not slowed down by video generator accesses.
 *   & A version 7 C compiler written at New Mexico Tech.

	I still have problems believing that a 68000 running unix can kick
an ECL mainframe into the ground.  If this is true, SUN is really doing
something right.

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