68000 Disassembler

David Somner somner at lasspvax.UUCP
Sat Oct 5 04:31:00 AEST 1985

In article <21000005 at orstcs.UUCP> boyd at orstcs.UUCP (boyd) writes:
>Could someone please mail me the last 3 modules of the 68000 disassembler?
>Our system truncates net entries over 64K long, so we lost main.c prin.c
>and robj.c. 
>					     Thanx,
>				  hp-pcd 
>					\
>                                         orstcs!cormom!scott
>					/
>                                tektronix

Could someone please send me a copy too?  I wasn't around when it was
originally posted (so I believe).

					-Dave S.

(signiature in development)

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