Latest Drystone Benchmarks

R.RICHARDSON rer at vaximile.UUCP
Wed Oct 16 00:25:59 AEST 1985

 *	"DHRYSTONE" Benchmark Program
 *	Version:	C/1
 *	Date:		12/01/84, RESULTS updated 10/15/85
 *	Author:		Reinhold P. Weicker,  CACM Vol 27, No 10, 10/84 pg. 1013
 *			Translated from ADA by Rick Richardson
 *			Every method to preserve ADA-likeness has been used,
 *			at the expense of C-ness.
 *	Compile:	cc -O dry.c -o drynr			: No registers
 *			cc -O -DREG=register dry.c -o dryr	: Registers
 *	Defines:	Defines are provided for old C compiler's
 *			which don't have enums, and can't assign structures.
 *			The time(2) function is library dependant; One is
 *			provided for CI-C86.  Your compiler may be different.
 *	Run:		drynr; dryr
 *			50000 Runs are made and the time is printed
 *	Results:	If you get any new machine/OS results, please send to:
 *				..!houxm!vaximile!rer
 *			and thanks to all that do.  Space prevents listing
 *			the names of those who have provided some of these
 *			results.
 * --------------------------	------------	-----------	---------------
 * IBM PC/XT	8088-4.77Mhz	PCDOS 2.1	CI-C86 2.1	????	????
 * IBM PC/XT	8088-4.77Mhz	PC/IX		cc		????	????
 * Lisa		68000-7.7Mhz	????		??		????	????
 * IBM PC/XT	8088-4.77Mhz	VENIX/86 2.0	cc		 297	 324
 * ATT PC6300	8086-8Mhz	MSDOS 2.11	b16cc 2.0	 632	 684
 * IBM PC/AT	80286-6Mhz	PCDOS 3.0	CI-C86 2.1	 666	 684
 * Macintosh	68000-7.7Mhz	-		MegaMax C 2.0	 661	 709
 * ATT PC6300	8086-8Mhz	MSDOS 2.11	CI-C86 2.20M	 769	 769
 * ATT 3B2/300	MAC32-?Mhz	UNIX 5.0.2	cc		 735	 806
 * Fast Mac	68000-7.7Mhz	-		MegaMax C 2.0	 839	 904 +
 * IBM PC/AT	80286-6Mhz	VENIX/86 2.1	cc		 961	1000
 * VAX 11/750	-		VMS		VAX-11 C 2.0	 958	1091
 * ATT PC7300	68010-10Mhz	UNIX 5.2	cc		1041	1111
 * Sun2/120	68010-10Mhz	Sun 4.2BSD	cc		1136	1219
 * PDP 11/70	-		UNIX 5.2	cc		1162	1250
 * IBM PC/AT	80286-7.5Mhz	VENIX/86 2.1	cc		1190	1315 *
 * VAX 11/780	-		UNIX 5.2	cc		1515	1562
 * ATT 3B20	-		UNIX 5.2	cc		1515	1724
 * Gould PN6005	-		UTX 1.1(4.2BSD)	cc		1675	1964
 * Amdahl 580	-		UTS 5.0 Rel 1.2	cc Ver. 1.5    23076   23076
 *   * 15Mhz crystal substituted for original 12Mhz;
 *   + This Macintosh was upgraded from 128K to 512K in such a way that
 *     the new 384K of memory is not slowed down by video generator accesses.
 *	The following program contains statements of a high-level programming
 *	language (C) in a distribution considered representative:
 *	assignments			53%
 *	control statements		32%
 *	procedure, function calls	15%
 *	100 statements are dynamically executed.  The program is balanced with
 *	respect to the three aspects:
 *		- statement type
 *		- operand type (for simple data types)
 *		- operand access
 *			operand global, local, parameter, or constant.
 *	The combination of these three aspects is balanced only approximately.
 *	The program does not compute anything meaningfull, but it is
 *	syntactically and semantically correct.

/* Compiler dependent options */
#undef	NOENUM			/* Define if compiler has no enum's */
#undef	NOSTRUCTASSIGN		/* Define if compiler can't assign structures */
#undef	NOTIME			/* Define if no time() function in library */

#define	structassign(d, s)	memcpy(&(d), &(s), sizeof(d))
#define	structassign(d, s)	d = s

#ifdef	NOENUM
#define	Ident1	1
#define	Ident2	2
#define	Ident3	3
#define	Ident4	4
#define	Ident5	5
typedef int	Enumeration;
typedef enum	{Ident1, Ident2, Ident3, Ident4, Ident5} Enumeration;

typedef int	OneToThirty;
typedef int	OneToFifty;
typedef char	CapitalLetter;
typedef char	String30[31];
typedef int	Array1Dim[51];
typedef int	Array2Dim[51][51];

struct	Record
	struct Record		*PtrComp;
	Enumeration		Discr;
	Enumeration		EnumComp;
	OneToFifty		IntComp;
	String30		StringComp;

typedef struct Record 	RecordType;
typedef RecordType *	RecordPtr;
typedef int		boolean;

#define	NULL		0
#define	TRUE		1
#define	FALSE		0

#ifndef REG
#define	REG

extern Enumeration	Func1();
extern boolean		Func2();


 * Package 1
int		IntGlob;
boolean		BoolGlob;
char		Char1Glob;
char		Char2Glob;
Array1Dim	Array1Glob;
Array2Dim	Array2Glob;
RecordPtr	PtrGlb;
RecordPtr	PtrGlbNext;

	OneToFifty		IntLoc1;
	REG OneToFifty		IntLoc2;
	OneToFifty		IntLoc3;
	REG char		CharLoc;
	REG char		CharIndex;
	Enumeration	 	EnumLoc;
	String30		String1Loc;
	String30		String2Loc;

#define LOOPS		50000
long			time();
long			starttime;
long			benchtime;
long			nulltime;
register unsigned int	i;
starttime = time(0);
for (i = 0; i < LOOPS; ++i);
nulltime = time(0) - starttime;

	PtrGlbNext = (RecordPtr) malloc(sizeof(RecordType));
	PtrGlb = (RecordPtr) malloc(sizeof(RecordType));
	PtrGlb->PtrComp = PtrGlbNext;
	PtrGlb->Discr = Ident1;
	PtrGlb->EnumComp = Ident3;
	PtrGlb->IntComp = 40;
	strcpy(PtrGlb->StringComp, "DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, SOME STRING");

-- Start Timer --
starttime = time(0);
for (i = 0; i < LOOPS; ++i)

	IntLoc1 = 2;
	IntLoc2 = 3;
	strcpy(String2Loc, "DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 2'ND STRING");
	EnumLoc = Ident2;
	BoolGlob = ! Func2(String1Loc, String2Loc);
	while (IntLoc1 < IntLoc2)
		IntLoc3 = 5 * IntLoc1 - IntLoc2;
		Proc7(IntLoc1, IntLoc2, &IntLoc3);
	Proc8(Array1Glob, Array2Glob, IntLoc1, IntLoc3);
	for (CharIndex = 'A'; CharIndex <= Char2Glob; ++CharIndex)
		if (EnumLoc == Func1(CharIndex, 'C'))
			Proc6(Ident1, &EnumLoc);
	IntLoc3 = IntLoc2 * IntLoc1;
	IntLoc2 = IntLoc3 / IntLoc1;
	IntLoc2 = 7 * (IntLoc3 - IntLoc2) - IntLoc1;

-- Stop Timer --
benchtime = time(0) - starttime - nulltime;
printf("Dhrystone time for %ld passes = %ld\n", (long) LOOPS, benchtime);
printf("This machine benchmarks at %ld dhrystones/second\n",
	((long) LOOPS) / benchtime);


REG RecordPtr	PtrParIn;
#define	NextRecord	(*(PtrParIn->PtrComp))

	structassign(NextRecord, *PtrGlb);
	PtrParIn->IntComp = 5;
	NextRecord.IntComp = PtrParIn->IntComp;
	NextRecord.PtrComp = PtrParIn->PtrComp;
	if (NextRecord.Discr == Ident1)
		NextRecord.IntComp = 6;
		Proc6(PtrParIn->EnumComp, &NextRecord.EnumComp);
		NextRecord.PtrComp = PtrGlb->PtrComp;
		Proc7(NextRecord.IntComp, 10, &NextRecord.IntComp);
		structassign(*PtrParIn, NextRecord);

#undef	NextRecord

OneToFifty	*IntParIO;
	REG OneToFifty		IntLoc;
	REG Enumeration		EnumLoc;

	IntLoc = *IntParIO + 10;
		if (Char1Glob == 'A')
			*IntParIO = IntLoc - IntGlob;
			EnumLoc = Ident1;
		if (EnumLoc == Ident1)

RecordPtr	*PtrParOut;
	if (PtrGlb != NULL)
		*PtrParOut = PtrGlb->PtrComp;
		IntGlob = 100;
	Proc7(10, IntGlob, &PtrGlb->IntComp);

	REG boolean	BoolLoc;

	BoolLoc = Char1Glob == 'A';
	BoolLoc |= BoolGlob;
	Char2Glob = 'B';

	Char1Glob = 'A';
	BoolGlob = FALSE;

extern boolean Func3();

Proc6(EnumParIn, EnumParOut)
REG Enumeration	EnumParIn;
REG Enumeration	*EnumParOut;
	*EnumParOut = EnumParIn;
	if (! Func3(EnumParIn) )
		*EnumParOut = Ident4;
	switch (EnumParIn)
	case Ident1:	*EnumParOut = Ident1; break;
	case Ident2:	if (IntGlob > 100) *EnumParOut = Ident1;
			else *EnumParOut = Ident4;
	case Ident3:	*EnumParOut = Ident2; break;
	case Ident4:	break;
	case Ident5:	*EnumParOut = Ident3;

Proc7(IntParI1, IntParI2, IntParOut)
OneToFifty	IntParI1;
OneToFifty	IntParI2;
OneToFifty	*IntParOut;
	REG OneToFifty	IntLoc;

	IntLoc = IntParI1 + 2;
	*IntParOut = IntParI2 + IntLoc;

Proc8(Array1Par, Array2Par, IntParI1, IntParI2)
Array1Dim	Array1Par;
Array2Dim	Array2Par;
OneToFifty	IntParI1;
OneToFifty	IntParI2;
	REG OneToFifty	IntLoc;
	REG OneToFifty	IntIndex;

	IntLoc = IntParI1 + 5;
	Array1Par[IntLoc] = IntParI2;
	Array1Par[IntLoc+1] = Array1Par[IntLoc];
	Array1Par[IntLoc+30] = IntLoc;
	for (IntIndex = IntLoc; IntIndex <= (IntLoc+1); ++IntIndex)
		Array2Par[IntLoc][IntIndex] = IntLoc;
	Array2Par[IntLoc+20][IntLoc] = Array1Par[IntLoc];
	IntGlob = 5;

Enumeration Func1(CharPar1, CharPar2)
CapitalLetter	CharPar1;
CapitalLetter	CharPar2;
	REG CapitalLetter	CharLoc1;
	REG CapitalLetter	CharLoc2;

	CharLoc1 = CharPar1;
	CharLoc2 = CharLoc1;
	if (CharLoc2 != CharPar2)
		return (Ident1);
		return (Ident2);

boolean Func2(StrParI1, StrParI2)
String30	StrParI1;
String30	StrParI2;
	REG OneToThirty		IntLoc;
	REG CapitalLetter	CharLoc;

	IntLoc = 1;
	while (IntLoc <= 1)
		if (Func1(StrParI1[IntLoc], StrParI2[IntLoc+1]) == Ident1)
			CharLoc = 'A';
	if (CharLoc >= 'W' && CharLoc <= 'Z')
		IntLoc = 7;
	if (CharLoc == 'X')
		if (strcmp(StrParI1, StrParI2) > 0)
			IntLoc += 7;
			return (TRUE);
			return (FALSE);

boolean Func3(EnumParIn)
REG Enumeration	EnumParIn;
	REG Enumeration	EnumLoc;

	EnumLoc = EnumParIn;
	if (EnumLoc == Ident3) return (TRUE);
	return (FALSE);

memcpy(d, s, l)
register char	*d;
register char	*s;
int	l;
	while (l--) *d++ = *s++;

 *	Library function for compilers with no time(2) function in the
 *	library.
#ifdef	NOTIME
long	time(p)
long	*p;
{		/* CI-C86 time function - don't use around midnight */
	long	t;
	struct regval {unsigned int ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,ds,es; } regs; = 0x2c00;
	sysint21(&regs, &regs);
	t = ((>>8)*60L + ( & 0xff))*60L + (regs.dx>>8);
	if (p) *p = t;
	return t;

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