c*nc*l <148 at psueea.UUCP> and many others

Geoff Kuenning geoff at desint.UUCP
Wed Oct 30 16:26:17 AEST 1985

In article <x148 at psueea.UUCP> nnguyen at psueea.UUCP (Nhat M. Nguyen)

DOES NOT cancel his own article.  Instead, some joker at oliveb (I think)
has unilaterally decided to cancel a bunch of articles in net.sources.
As you can see from the referenced article ID's, the culprit is forging
them based on the original article number.  In addition, if you go look
at the cancel messages, you will find that 100% pass through oliveb, though
ostensibly not a single one originated there.

Every cancellation contains the following message:

>Inappropriate news group

I thought this was rnews protecting me against net.sources cancellations
until I investigated a bit further and found that the string "approp" does
not occur in rnews.  Now I suspect we have a person who has decided he/she
has been personally anointed to purge net.sources of inappropriate messages.
(Actually that's not a bad idea, but I strongly object to the underhanded
and sneaky way this person has approached it.  If you're going to do it,
be above board and willing to take the heat.  Especially because it's about
to get *real* hot for you.)

I have sent mail to the oliveb news administrator regarding the problem,
with cc's to one of his major news neighbors (felix).

In the meantime, if you have posted to net.sources, watch out to make sure your
article hasn't been cancelled by a message pretending to be from you.  Hell,
he'll probably cancel this one.

	Geoff Kuenning

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