As long as we are taliking about rmgrouping ...

eli eli at vcvax1.UUCP
Thu Oct 31 02:06:10 AEST 1985

> I propose that we remove net.sources and only allow the posting of
> sources in mod.sources.* for the following reasons:

	Oh no! Not another one gone! net.flame will be going for
	*centuries* ! :-)

> 	* Please repost hack version 9000 ...
> 	* I have a program that prints files backwards, sideways, upside
> 	  down ...
> 	* Here is a that runs rings around Mars ...
> 	* etc., etc.

I agree here. Too many sources that no one needs, cares about, wants
to pay to move around .....
Still, must we resort to rmgroup-ing all groups that don't quite cut the

> If newsgroups like net.flame, net.religion, etc. are going to be
> rmgrouped, then net.sources.* should go with them.

PLEASE! Lets not start an orgy of rmgroup-ing when what we really need is
just to start spreading the cost of maintaining the net more evenly.
yes, I heard you shudder. "What, PAY for this service?"  You betcha. The
backbone is too centralized a concept that puts all the weight of the net on
a group of systems rather than spreading around to ALL the net-users. An effort
must be made to provide this service at a reasonable expense to everyone.

If the traffic on net.sources is too much to handle and the group is
functioning within its charter (that is, the mega-posting are considered
"appropriate" according to the wording of the charter, whatever that may be)
then the charter should be changed. Perhaps (if it is not like this already)
people should offer sources, like:

	"Hey. I have a program that brews coffee backwards and sends mail too"

To which people could respond by e-mail. Perhaps the people who want the
programs could even arrange when to UUCP it from the offerer so that THEY
can pick up the tab. Would this help? If I follow your statement correctly,
I think it would.

> It's like a jungle sometimes, it makes me wonder how I keep from goin' under.
> Greg Skinner (gregbo)
> {decvax!genrad, allegra, ihnp4}!mit-eddie!gds
> gds at


"You Lied!"
"I *exagerrated*."

Elias Israel (eli)	VenturCom, Inc.
{mit-eddie, harvard}!cybvax0!vcvax1!eli

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