"Ferret" FLAME-you have it already

Jim Omura jimomura at lsuc.UUCP
Mon Oct 21 03:20:04 AEST 1985

In article <250 at 3comvax.UUCP> mikes at 3comvax.UUCP (Mike Shannon) writes:
>	Who needs ferret programs when all unix systems have a 'find' program?
>	Are the 'ferret' authors simply unaware of this standard, basic
>utility program?
>	People who introduce new tools to the net should take some effort
>to acquaint themselves with tools which already exist.
>	When new tools ARE introduced, (especially if another standard,
>similar tool already exists), please explain why your new tool is
>superior to the standard one.
>	Besides ferret, there has also been posted a 'findfn' program which
>sounds suspiciously like 'ctags'.  Except that it won't work with 'vi'!!!
>Who needs it?
>			Michael Shannon {ihnp4,hplabs}!oliveb!3comvax!mikes

     I think that a major problem may be brewing here, unless this
has already been discussed and decided.  The Amiga and 520ST people
have been trying to figure out where to put *their* source-code.

     Mike, flaming about receiving new source code for a feature
*you* have is all very nice, but not everybody 'here' uses only
Unix.  Some people may find good use for utilities like 'find' on
other systems.  They *can't* rip off Unix sources for other systems
(as you should know) so does that mean they should be forced to
do without?

James Omura, Barrister & Solicitor, Toronto
Byte Information eXchange: jimomura
Compuserve: 72205,541

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