Phantasia 3.3.1+

Valdis Kletnieks $VK0%CLVM.BITNET at WISCVM.ARPA
Thu Oct 17 10:19:36 AEST 1985

Well, it's like this:

Thanks for posting 3.3.1+ of Phantasia, but could somebody get me parts
1 and 2 of the posting?  Parts 0, 3 , and 4 of 4 arrived O.K.

                      Valdis Kletnieks
                      Systems Programmer
                      Educational Resources Center
                      Clarkson University

                      BITNET: $VK0 at CLVM.BITNET
                      UUCP: {pur-ee,ccvaxa,sun}!csd-gould!clutx!vk0
                      ICBM: 44 40N  75 00W

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