Printing a file backwards

mcewan at uiucdcs.CS.UIUC.EDU mcewan at uiucdcs.CS.UIUC.EDU
Thu Oct 24 12:58:00 AEST 1985

> My feed's been unreliable recently, so I hope I'm not too untimely wih this
> followup...In keeping with the UN*X philosophy of using big complicated tools
> to solve small, inconsequential problems (:->), I suggest that you do the
> following to reverse lines in a file:
> 	1)  Edit the file using `vi';
> 	(Complicated sequence of instructions)

It's a lot easier to type ":g/^/.m0".

			Scott McEwan

"There are good guys and there are bad guys. The job of the good guys is to
 kill the bad guys."

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