Index generation for troff?

Gary S. Trujillo gst at ewj01.UUCP
Thu Oct 17 15:12:43 AEST 1985

> Does anyone have an index generation macro package or
> preprocessor for troff? Ideally, it would be able to
> work over multiple files, and would generate an index
> giving the word and pages on which it was located.
> Many thanx in advance!!!
> 	Jim Kempf 	hplabs!kempf

Yes, I have written the sort of index-generation program I think
you are requesting.  Since it was written for a customer who paid
for it, though, I would have to secure his approval before being
able to release it.  I am sending you (via a separate, personally-
addressed message) the initial comments block from the source code,
just to give you some idea of what it's like, and so that you
can decide if it's the sort of thing you're looking for.

If anyone else is interested, please send me a note, and I'll give
you a description of the program.  My customer is involved in a
small publishing operation, and could probably be talked into
distributing the code.


Gary S. Trujillo


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