Trouble with visual strek

Peter da Silva peter at baylor.UUCP
Fri Oct 4 06:42:45 AEST 1985

> > there is definitly a problem and it appears terminal type dependent.
> > the vtrek works on an adm3a with Unix4.2bsd on an 11/780 but has alot of
> > ones on the screen with an zenith or heathkit 19 terminal
> I have found that vt52 terminals on our Pyramid 90x ( 4.2 & V5, in 
> 4.2 BSD univerce) work just fine. vt100 on the other hand did not.
> I traced the problem to TERMCAP : vt100 entry contains the length of
> character sequence in front of  "cm", "cl" and some other sequences.

That's not quite what they are, and it's probably not a good idea to zap them.
They are the delay times (in seconds/10) for the terminal... the VT100 can
easily confused on a fast line if you leave these out. The solution is
to use tputs() instead of printf() (or whatever) to display these strings.
	Peter (Made in Australia) da Silva
		UUCP: ...!shell!neuro1!{hyd-ptd,baylor,datafac}!peter
		MCI: PDASILVA; CIS: 70216,1076

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