Lock your terminal for lunch

Joe Hill joeh at dartvax.UUCP
Fri Sep 27 11:08:16 AEST 1985

Lock is nice, unfortunatly here at Dart we connect to the network
then to whatever system, typing '@' kicks you off and throws you
back to the net no matter whats happening. Kissing your session
good bye. Here is a version of lock i have found to work well.

 ---------- cut here ----------
 #                                                               #
 #                                                               #
 #                      THIS CRT IS SUFFERING                    #
 #                      FROM NO-WORKA-PHOBIA!                    #
 #                                                               #
 #                                                               #
 #                     (Its a Terminal disease)                  #
 -------- cut here, also, and stick on your terminal ----------

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