Request for xmodem implementation under VMS

QAA at psuvm.BITNET QAA at psuvm.BITNET
Tue Sep 17 17:58:23 AEST 1985

The XMODEM.C/UMODEM.C source is available on the DECUS tapes, and
(I believe) is a product put out by Project Software & Development
in Cambridge, MA.  They would be a good place to start for getting
the source, unless you have access to recent DECUS tapes. ('83 or so)
I assume that the "C" source included on the tape is VMS C, although
I don't know for sure since I don't have a C compiler to check it. I
use the executables (provided on tape too) as is, and have had no
problem doing text/binary file transfers from PC -> host and back.
(We're running VMS 3.5 currently)
Good luck !
Tim Bieling
Dept of Architecture - ComCAD Lab
Penn State University
Bitnet:  Bieling at Psuarch

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