Almost-generic search table routine using binary search

Chris Torek chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
Thu Sep 12 08:54:11 AEST 1985

# The following is some almost-generic table storage and lookup code.
# It operates off 32-bit keys, which is where it departs from being
# generic, but could be easily modified for other uses.
# The documentation consists of the following extract from ../lib/README:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
#	struct search *SCreate(dsize)
#	unsigned dsize;
# Creates a search table; keys are i32 integers, data objects are of
# size dsize and of unspecified type.  A null pointer is returned if
# the table cannot be created.
#	SEnumerate(table, func)
#	struct search *table;
#	int (*func)();
# Invokes the given function on each object in the table.  The function
# is handed a "char *" pointer to the objects as its first argument
# and the i32 key as its second.  (The return value from (*func)(),
# if any, is ignored; technically it should be void (*func)(), but
# that is not implemented quite right in many Unix compilers...)
#	char *SSearch(table, key, disp)
#	struct search *table;
#	i32 key;
#	int *disp;
# Searches for a given key within the given search table.  A number
# of dispositions can be specified; see ../h/search.h for the flags
# that can be specified in *disp.  *disp is modified before return
# to set the reason for the search success or failure.  The return
# value is a pointer to the user data area for the given key if found,
# otherwise NULL.
# WARNING: data areas may move on future searches that create new
# data objects.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# You will probably have to fiddle with the file names somewhat, as
# I am using this code in a large project where lots of directories
# are helpful.  Also note that ``types.h'' is machine dependent.
# For those of you who are stuck with System V, bcopy and memcpy have
# identical semantics (only the order of arguments is different);
# bzero can be accomplished with memset (set all bytes to '\0').
# bcopy takes (from, to, count), and bzero takes (from, count);
# see your manual for the arguments for memcpy and memset.
# Chris
: Run this shell script with "sh" not "csh"
export PATH
if [ x$1 = x-a ]; then
/bin/echo 'Extracting search.c'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >search.c
#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /ful/chris/ctex/lib/RCS/search.c,v 1.2 85/09/11 18:31:19 chris Exp $";

 * Key search routines (for a 32 bit key)
 * SCreate initializes the search control area.
 * SSearch returns the address of the data area (if found or created)
 * or a null pointer (if not).  The last argument controls the disposition
 * in various cases, and is a ``value-result'' parameter.
 * SEnumerate calls the given function on each data object within the
 * search table.  Note that no ordering is specified (though currently
 * it runs in increasing-key-value sequence).

#include "../h/types.h"
#include "../h/search.h"

#if vax || mc68000 || ns32000 || pyr
#define	HARD_ALIGNMENT	16	/* should suffice for most everyone */

static int DOffset;		/* part of alignment code */

char *malloc(), *realloc();

struct search *
SCreate (dsize)
register unsigned int dsize;
    register struct search *s;

    if ((s = (struct search *) malloc (sizeof *s)) == 0)
	return 0;

    if (DOffset == 0) {
	DOffset = sizeof (i32);
	DOffset = (sizeof (i32) + HARD_ALIGNMENT - 1) & ~(HARD_ALIGNMENT - 1);
    dsize += DOffset;		/* tack on space for keys */

 /* For machines with strict alignment constraints, it may be necessary to
    align the data at a multiple of some positive power of two.  In general,
    it would suffice to make dsize a power of two, but this could be very
    space-wasteful, so instead we align it to HARD_ALIGNMENT.  64 bit
    machines might ``#define HARD_ALIGNMENT 8'', for example.  N.B.:  we
    assume that HARD_ALIGNMENT is a power of two. */

    dsize = (dsize + HARD_ALIGNMENT - 1) & ~(HARD_ALIGNMENT - 1);

    s -> s_dsize = dsize;	/* save data object size */
    s -> s_space = 10;		/* initially, room for 10 objects */
    s -> s_n = 0;		/* and none in the table */
    if ((s -> s_data = malloc (s -> s_space * dsize)) == 0) {
	free ((char *) s);
	return 0;
    return s;

X/* we actually use a binary search right now - this may change */
char *
SSearch (s, key, disp)
register struct search *s;
register i32 key;
int *disp;
    register char *keyaddr;
    int itemstomove;

    *disp &= S_CREATE | S_EXCL;	/* clear return codes */
    if (s -> s_n) {		/* look for the key */
	register int h, l, m;

	h = s -> s_n - 1;
	l = 0;
	while (l <= h) {
	    m = (l + h) >> 1;
	    keyaddr = s -> s_data + m * s -> s_dsize;
	    if (*(i32 *) keyaddr > key)
		h = m - 1;
	    else if (*(i32 *) keyaddr < key)
		l = m + 1;
	    else {		/* found it, now what? */
		if (*disp & S_EXCL) {
		    *disp |= S_COLL;
		    return 0;	/* collision */
		*disp |= S_FOUND;
		return keyaddr + DOffset;
	keyaddr = s -> s_data + l * s -> s_dsize;
	keyaddr = s -> s_data;

 /* keyaddr is now where the key should have been found, if anywhere */
    if ((*disp & S_CREATE) == 0)
	return 0;		/* not found */

 /* avoid using realloc so as to retain old data if out of memory */
    if (s -> s_space <= 0) {	/* must expand; double it */
	register char *new;

	if ((new = malloc ((s -> s_n << 1) * s -> s_dsize)) == 0) {
	    *disp |= S_ERROR;	/* no space */
	    return 0;
	keyaddr = (keyaddr - s -> s_data) + new;	/* relocate */
	bcopy (s -> s_data, new, s -> s_n * s -> s_dsize);
	free (s -> s_data);
	s -> s_data = new;
	s -> s_space = s -> s_n;

 /* now move any keyed data that is beyond keyaddr down */
    itemstomove = s -> s_n - (keyaddr - s -> s_data) / s -> s_dsize;
    if (itemstomove) {
#ifndef USE_BCOPY		/* often bcopy doesn't handle overlap */
	register char *from, *to;

	from = s -> s_data + s -> s_n * s -> s_dsize;
	to = from + s -> s_dsize;
	while (from > keyaddr)
	    *--to = *--from;
	bcopy (keyaddr + s -> s_dsize, keyaddr + (s -> s_dsize << 1),
		itemstomove * s -> s_dsize);
    *disp |= S_NEW;
    s -> s_n++;
    s -> s_space--;
    *(i32 *) keyaddr = key;
    keyaddr += DOffset;		/* now actually dataaddr */
 /* the bzero is just a frill... */
    bzero (keyaddr, s -> s_dsize - DOffset);
    return keyaddr;

SEnumerate (s, f)
register struct search *s;
register int (*f) (); {
    register int n;
    register char *p;

    n = s -> s_n;
    p = s -> s_data;
    while (--n >= 0) {
	(*f) (p + DOffset, *(i32 *) p);
	p += s -> s_dsize;
//go.sysin dd *
if [ `wc -c < search.c` != 4404 ]; then
	/bin/echo 'error transmitting "search.c" --'
	/bin/echo 'length should be 4404, not' `wc -c < search.c`
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 644 search.c
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld search.c
/bin/echo 'Extracting search.h'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >search.h
X/* search structures and routines for 32-bit key, arbitrary data */

struct search {
	unsigned s_dsize;	/* data object size (includes key size) */
	unsigned s_space;	/* space left (in terms of objects) */
	unsigned s_n;		/* number of objects in the table */
	char	*s_data;	/* data area */

X/* returns a pointer to the search table (for future search/installs) */
struct search *SCreate ();	/* create a search table */

X/* returns a pointer to the data object found or created */
char *SSearch ();		/* search for a data object */

X/* the third argument to SSearch controls operation as follows: */
#define	S_LOOKUP	0x00	/* pseudo flag */
#define	S_CREATE	0x01	/* create object if not found */
#define	S_EXCL		0x02	/* complain if already exists */

X/* in addition, it is modified before return to hold status: */
#define	S_COLL		0x04	/* collision (occurs iff S_EXCL set) */
#define	S_FOUND		0x08	/* found (occurs iff existed already) */
#define	S_NEW		0x10	/* created (occurs iff S_CREATE && !S_EXCL) */
#define	S_ERROR		0x20	/* problem creating (out of memory) */
//go.sysin dd *
if [ `wc -c < search.h` != 1066 ]; then
	/bin/echo 'error transmitting "search.h" --'
	/bin/echo 'length should be 1066, not' `wc -c < search.h`
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 644 search.h
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld search.h
/bin/echo 'Extracting types.h'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >types.h
X/* a 32 (or more) bit integer (signed) */
typedef int i32;

X/* macros to sign extend quantities that are less than 32 bits long */
X/* Sun mishandles (int)(char)(constant) */
#ifndef sun
#define Sign8(n)	((int)(char)(n))
#define Sign8(n)	(((n) << 24) >> 24)
#define Sign16(n)	((int)(short)(n))
X/* #define Sign24(n)	((n) & (1<<23) ? ((n)|0xff000000) : (n)) */
#define Sign24(n)	(((n) << 8) >> 8)

X/* macros to truncate quantites that are signed but shouldn't be */
#define UnSign8(n)	((n) & 0xff)
#define UnSign16(n)	((n) & 0xffff)
#define UnSign24(n)	((n) & 0xffffff)

X/* note that we never have unsigned 32 bit integers */
//go.sysin dd *
if [ `wc -c < types.h` != 636 ]; then
	/bin/echo 'error transmitting "types.h" --'
	/bin/echo 'length should be 636, not' `wc -c < types.h`
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 644 types.h
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld types.h
exit 0
In-Real-Life: Chris Torek, Univ of MD Comp Sci Dept (+1 301 454 4251)
UUCP:	seismo!umcp-cs!chris
CSNet:	chris at umcp-cs		ARPA:	chris at maryland

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